Forum Discussion

ben_simon's avatar
Community Manager
8 months ago

Tell Us About Yourself

Welcome to The Aviation Qrew!!!

Tell us:

1) Your company and your role

2) How your company uses Quickbase

3) Coolest Vacation You Have Been On (or where you most want to go)

Ben Simon

Do you have Feedback on how to make Qrew Discussions a better experience? Let's chat!
  • I'm Edward Hefter and I work for Sling Aircraft, an experimental kit built aircraft, as the sales and marketing manager. I also run our QB implementation

    We use QB in an App called SlingSHOT that manages kit inventory, missing parts, serial numbers of aircraft and their thousands of components, customer lists, labor tracking, and other similar functions for the factory in South Africa as well as the worldwide distributors.

    Oshkosh was a cool vacation (before I started working for Sling, at which point it became work!). Flying over the Grand Canyon was a fantastic vacation, too!

  • Welcome!

    I am your Qrew Group Leader, so please feel free to reach out to me at any point.

    1. I work at Pentastar Aviation in Waterford, MI.  We manage and maintain about thirty corporate aircraft varying in size.  I help support our crew members and manage departmental websites, software programs, and various other administrative duties.
    2. We use QB for a variety of functions, but mostly standardization, automation of email notifications, departmental reporting / dashboard analytics, and to streamline workflows electronically.
    3. Coolest place I ever went was Split, Croatia in May of 2023.  I had been to Europe before, but never that far east.  The views in Croatia were absolutely stunning, and Dubrovnik is something straight out of a fairy tale book.

    I am very much looking forward to getting to know you!

    Aidon Olligschlager |
    Flight Operations Technical Support
    Pentastar Aviation
    Waterford MI | 248-202-9587