Forum Discussion

BruceKasen's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago


I'm using the checkbox feature to trigger an action (i.e., such as issuing an automatic Notification email).

Question - once that trigger is executed (i.e., issued the automatic Notification email), can the checkbox be configured to automatically be unchecked, so that it's available for the next time a trigger action is needed?

Thank you,

Bruce Kasen
  • AngelRodriguez's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    This is very much doable. You can do this via an automation like Mark and Kirk mentioned. I've been using this in an employee management app that I built recently and it has worked well so far. 

    Let's start with your checkbox:

    Once the checkbox is checked, when the record is saved, the users in your "Send To" field (List-User) can receive a message that you set in your Notifications section for that table. 

    Let's go to the Notifications section:
    You can set your notification parameters and conditions here.

    Once that's done, create an automation and set your trigger definitions when a user adds or modifies a record. Set your additional criteria, if necessary. Here's you will want one of the conditions to listen for a the checkbox that is checked. 

    Next, set your actions and filter records based on the added/modified Record ID. Set a condition to change the checkbox value to unchecked. That should work for you. 

    Hope that helps.

    • LB's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      I am having this same issue with needing to uncheck a checkbox if it's checked in another record - since automation is no longer I'm not finding much info on how to build this in a pipeline or if it's even possible.

      Lorrie B
      • AngelRodriguez's avatar
        Qrew Assistant Captain



        I'm not sure about all the details your Pipeline requires, but if you're simply trying to check or uncheck a checkbox on a child record if the parent is modified, you can try this:


        1. Start off with a Triggered Pipeline
        2. Step A will be a "On New Event" trigger
        3. You may want to choose "On Add Record" and/or "On Modify Record" depending on your requirements
        4. In Step B you can add Advanced Query using a Formula Query like this for example {''10.EX.'{{}}'} where 10 would be the related field in your Step B Table and is your Step A record ID to ensure the child record belongs to the parent
        5. From there, in the For each loop of Step B, you can insert a condition where you look for the checkbox in the Step B table and check to see if it's checked or unchecked
        6. If the checkbox is true or checked, add an "Insert a condition" to the DO statement then add an Update Record step to uncheck the checkbox
        7. If the checkbox is false or unchecked, in your Else condition you can add another Update Record to check the checkbox (You don't need to add a "Insert a condition" here, just drag the Update Record step to the Else box


        Hope this helps!

        Original Message:
        Sent: 08-17-2022 14:57
        From: Lorrie B
        Subject: CHECKBOX OPTION

        I am having this same issue with needing to uncheck a checkbox if it's checked in another record - since automation is no longer I'm not finding much info on how to build this in a pipeline or if it's even possible.

        Lorrie B

        Original Message:
        Sent: 12-15-2020 16:18
        From: Angel Rodriguez
        Subject: CHECKBOX OPTION

        This is very much doable. You can do this via an automation like Mark and Kirk mentioned. I've been using this in an employee management app that I built recently and it has worked well so far. 

        Let's start with your checkbox:

        Once the checkbox is checked, when the record is saved, the users in your "Send To" field (List-User) can receive a message that you set in your Notifications section for that table. 

        Let's go to the Notifications section:
        You can set your notification parameters and conditions here.

        Once that's done, create an automation and set your trigger definitions when a user adds or modifies a record. Set your additional criteria, if necessary. Here's you will want one of the conditions to listen for a the checkbox that is checked. 

        Next, set your actions and filter records based on the added/modified Record ID. Set a condition to change the checkbox value to unchecked. That should work for you. 

        Hope that helps.


        Original Message:
        Sent: 12-14-2020 11:05
        From: Bruce Kasen
        Subject: CHECKBOX OPTION

        I'm using the checkbox feature to trigger an action (i.e., such as issuing an automatic Notification email).

        Question - once that trigger is executed (i.e., issued the automatic Notification email), can the checkbox be configured to automatically be unchecked, so that it's available for the next time a trigger action is needed?

        Thank you,

        Bruce Kasen
  • KirkTrachy1's avatar
    Quickbase Staff

    Mark is correct, an automation can do it.  You can also do it with a Pipeline or a Webhook but another method is to use a form rule.

    Set one form rule like, "When the status turns to Completed, check the checkbox." And a second form rule that, "When the checkbox is checked, then uncheck it.".

    See video


    Kirk Trachy , Senior Solutions Consultant
    QuickBase | 603-674-5454 M |
    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
      I'm not understanding how a form rule to uncheck the checkbox can work as the form needs to first save with the checkbox checked to trigger the Notification.  That is why I was suggesting an Automation fire after the save to reset the checkbox back to unchecked.

      Mark Shnier (YQC)
      Quick Base Solution Provider
      Your Quick Base Coach
  • You can set up an Automation which will be triggered when the checkbox is checked and the action will be to uncheck it.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach