Forum Discussion

BrianDunbar's avatar
Qrew Member
4 years ago

Import without duplication

I have source data in a .csv file.  The source will update on a regular basis.

I'd like to be able to import from source into QuickBase table 'Inventory', but not import values that already exist.

It looks as if I can use the field 'IP' as the key but after that I'm not sure what steps to take.

IP, host, OS, server1, windows, server2, linux

Quick Base
Table name: inventory
Fields: IP, hostname, OS

Thank you in advance,


Brian Dunbar
  • You could create a temporary table and import your raw CSV file into that table.  

    Then create a saved a table to table copy to copy from the Raw import table into your real table and select the IP as the Merge field. 

    Once you get this working you can make a formula URL button to make it easier for the routine  imports to happen. You could have a formula URL button to take the user to the place where they import the CSV into the Raw Import table, and then another URL formula button to copy from the Raw Import table and merge into the real table.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach

    • frnmj's avatar
      Qrew Member

      Hello Mark, terribly sorry for resurrecting this thread. I have the same question with OP, can you break the instructions down for me? I don't quite understand this part

      "Then create a saved a table to table copy to copy from the Ron import table into your real table and select the IP as the Merge field. "

      As well as the URL button part. 

      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

           I corrected my typo to read like this

        Then create a saved a table to table copy to copy from the Raw import table into your real table and select the IP as the Merge field. 

         But I actually think it would be better if you would explain your own use case and then I will watch for your posting and answer it rather than trying to guess what you actually need for your use case.    ie post a fresh question with your won use case.

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • BrianDunbar's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Thank you, Mark.

      Brian Dunbar