Forum Discussion

NingLi's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Is there a way to search multiple records and open multiple records with one button/click?

Hi there, 

I am wondering is there a way to search multiple records and open multiple records windows with one button/click? Thank you. 

I am asking this because a colleague needs to update some fields of multiple records, could be dozens or hundreds. Those records could be randomly picked, hard to cover all of them by creating a report by single or multiple field properties.

1. He wants a search box can paste all the record names one time and get a list of these records. 

2. Even there was a report for him and he knew how to use Grid Edit, he still wants to open all records windows at one click.  

Is it something possible? without advanced API and developer function. 


Ning W
  • Are you trying to search against a single field in a single table?

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • NingLi's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Yes. Trying to find, i.e. 20 projects by searching in "project name" field in Project Table.

      Ning W
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        How to do this is to create a single record in a single table called search. In that single record which will be record ID number one you will have a big text box where the user can enter or paste in a bunch of search terms.  

        Then make a relationship between that search record and all of your details record and the reference field for the relationship on the detail side will be a field called  

        [Link to Serach (=1)]

        Be a formula field with a formula of 


        Look up the search values down into your detail records. Make a formula field down there called [valid for Search?] which will calculate to true if the search values contain the value in the field [Project name]

        IF(Contains([Search Terms lookup], [Project Name]), true)

        A report link on that search terms record to display all of the detail records but for the embedded report that is used on the record filter it where 

        [Valid for Search?] is checked.

        The effect of the set up is the user will edit the search record paste in the values and save and the results will display right on that record.  

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
        Quick Base Solution Provider
        Your Quick Base Coach