Forum Discussion

VivekVishwanat1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Redirect to form where it is left.

Hi All, :)
Happy Monday!

1.  I have a Formula URL Button which does API_EditRecord.
2. I have placed this Button in the middle of the form. (User has to scroll down the form to see that Button).
3. When User click the Formula URL button, Can I redirect the User to same position of the form after API_EditRecord?

Currently, I'm using &"rdr="  to redirect user back to the same form, But rdr is redirecting us to the Top of the form. Is it possible to redirect the user to Same position where Use left while clicking Button?


Vivek Vishwanath
  • You can make a Rich Text field with a formula like this
    Call it perhaps [Refresh Target]

    "<a name=RefreshTarget></a>"

    Put that field on the form near where you want the cursor to land.

    The suffix the redirect URL with #DealerClaim

    e.g. URLRoot() & "db/" & dbid() & "?adr&rid=" & [Record ID#] & "#RefreshTarget"

    You may have to play around a bit with the placement of the anchor tag but the Forum will roll down. Note that this will only work if the anchor tag is on the main Tab of the form and not one of the other Tabs.  Or it will work if your form does not have tabs at all.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
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