Forum Discussion

EstherLaVielle's avatar
Quickbase Staff
4 days ago

October Manufacturing Qrew Meet Up Recap

Hello Manufacturing Qrew!

Thank you to all who were able to attend October’s Manufacturing Qrew Meeting on 10/2/24. Here’s a quick recap of what happened:

1. Shawn Renn and Rob Mersereau, Sr. Implementation Consultants – Services, joined to do a quick review of the three manufacturing APPs that we are calling Pro Apps in the exchange.

2. To ground everyone with the difference between Pro Apps and other Apps in the exchange, Rob briefly walked through the OSHA, Shop Floor, and Site Management app to showcase the detailed tables, reports, dashboards, test data, and potential areas for customization that customers could use. Shawn Renn also shared tips as well as his excitement for being able to help customer use QBL (Quickbase. Language) and ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) to help manage applications. A huge thank you to both for joining today!

3. To get familiar or refamiliarize with these Pro Apps, we recommend checking out this Pro App Series available in Quickbase University.

4. I also showed a quick video of what it takes to implement a Pro App. You can try download it on your own and take it for a spin. However, we recommend connecting with your account team to work with folks like Shawn and Rob to get started. Their team does a great job with the discovery and planning process to determine how you can successfully implement and customize the Pro Apps to your workflows.

5. We got feedback from customers that these apps are great for inspiration and to show the art of the possible with Quickbase, but there is still a need to be rooted in the question that starts every discovery which is “What is the problem you are looking to solve?” Loved hearing this from our customers.

6. Missed the meeting? Here’s the recording and password: cby3qh^v

Our next Manufacturing Qrew Meet Up is on Wednesday November 6th at 12 PM EST. Kory Hoppes, Staff Solutions Consultant, will be working with me to come up with a great manufacturing use case and how you can use Quickbase to solve it. More details to come soon! The invitation for November’s Meet Up will be sent out early next week.

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