Forum Discussion

EstherLaVielle's avatar
Quickbase Staff
2 months ago

August 2024 Mobile Qrew Meetup Recap

Hello Mobile Qrew!

Thank you to all who were able to attend our Mobile  “FastField FAQ” with Jenny Gomez on Wednesday the 21st. Here’s a quick recap our meetup:

  • Jenny Gomez, FastField Technical Support Engineer, joined us for a session to review the top 10 questions that new customers ask when starting out with FastField. It featured five main categories:
    • Form Customization and Functionality
    • User Management and Access
    • Mobile App Features – online/offline capabilities
    • Workflow and Reporting
    • Data Integration and Automation
  • If you missed the meeting, you can check it out here in this recording:
  • Passcode to access recording: 8!bb&iUq
  • Attached is a copy of the presentation for your viewing

My favorite moment in our meeting was seeing everyone helping each other by answering questions in the chat and in the meeting, sharing resource documents, and sharing their mobile experience with the beta program.

Our next Mobile Qrew meeting is going to be Wednesday, September 18th at 12pm EST. Normally we do bi-monthly meetings, but with Empower Pro coming in October (more info coming soon), we will be back next month!

September’s Agenda: Our product team will be giving us an update on the progress of the beta programs, highlight new features like the AI form converter, and a few new mobile tools and features many of our customers has been waiting for.


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