Forum Discussion

QB_AdminPentast's avatar
Qrew Member
12 months ago

Pipeline Create Record with Today's Date in Date Field

Hello All,

I'm building a pipeline and having a hard time telling whether or not I'm limited to picking a specific date or if I can have it generate today's date.  Here's how the pipeline works:

A. Pipeline triggered by a record being updated in table 1.  Trigger is a formula date field with a custom date in the future.

B. Look Up this record in table 1 and pull field information.

C. Copy table 1 field information into table 2: event name, start date, notes, and relate record in table 2 to record in table 1.

Just ran the pipeline and it worked great.  However, it looks like I can only set the date to a preset date, rather than have it auto-generate today's date, since the task should be generated the same day the pipeline triggers.  Anyone have a recommendation for this?  Screenshot attached.

QB Admin Pentastar
  • This is Aidon Olligschlager, by the way.  We use a separate login for building pipelines at our company and I clearly forgot to sign back into my profile before posting this.


    QB Admin Pentastar
    • AidonOlligschla's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      This problem was solved.  It was a limitation of the new Beta view.  Went back to the old view and had no issues.


      Aidon Olligschlager |
      Flight Operations Technical Support
      Pentastar Aviation
      Waterford MI | 248-202-9587