Forum Discussion

JimHarrison's avatar
Qrew Champion
2 years ago

September 27th Meeting Notes

This months attendees were Curtis, Annie, Natasha, Ralph, Jim, Pat, Ryan, Jen & Elena plus remote attendees: Lee, Matthew and Brian.

Matthew Frye and Brian Tiu from FastField Forms presented the solution to offline mobile forms at the September meetup. There were good questions and a spirited discussion ensued. From here it seems many attendees have good use cases to try out with the new service. We appreciate Matthew and Brian for the presentation and taking the time to answer our questions.

After Matthew and Brian of FastField Forms departed, the group continued to discuss mobile forms ideas and scenarios using the FastField service. Ideas were bounced around with whether Users would have accounts in one or both services. There were use case ideas for using the service for Equipment inventory, remote time card entry, safety observations and more. The ideas discussed all ended with excitement to go try it out. Then we moved into some collaboration requests before ending the meeting.

Elena asked a follow up questions about ongoing work in FormStack integrations with Quickbase. Next Jen C asked about ideas for a project she is working on and alluded to bringing her laptop next month. Finally Curtis wanted ideas for how to link an attachment field in one app to a formula rich text clickable (magic) button in another app. The suggestion is to use a pipeline to write the attachment link back to a text field in the App containing the clickable button and reference that field in the Rich Text magic button formula.

Before we ended the meeting a special gift from Ben Simon of Quickbase was presented to Elena for supplying the problem in last months collaboration meeting. The Qrew T-shirt was presented in appreciation for being the first to present a problem to a room of strangers. I also received a T-Shirt from Ben, I'm guessing for being awesome. Thanks Ben!

Once the formal meeting adjourned, Ralph, Jen, Elena and I headed over to Ecliptic Brewing for a pint and some food.

Next months meeting is another collaborative meetup. Jen and Elena are planning to bring their laptops and we will work on solutions. If you're interested in working on a problem or assisting with a solution make certain to register for the monthly Qrew meetups, there should be a reqistration in this Group somewhere.

Jim Harrison
transparency = knowledge + understanding : The Scrum Dudes
  • ben_simon's avatar
    Community Manager

    What a great photo Jim! Elena thank you for your contribution to your Qrew, hopefully it was a good learning exercise for everyone who was involved. 

    And yes, Jim, you received a shirt for being awesome. Thank you for being awesome! 

    Ben Simon

    Do you have Feedback on how to make Qrew Discussions a better experience? Let's chat!