List of Majr Mobile Bugs - Add your own?
I have been quite vocal about the dismal state of Quickbase Mobile. QB has said they are commited to the new mobile forms (which I have had a preview and look quite cool), but they are a long way from being available (they claim not so long, but if anyone has been with QB long enough, we know it actually means years, and months of new bugs until they get it right).
In the mean time, they have also been VERY vocal to me that they will, under no circustances, fix any bug on mobille. So we are stuck using a mobile system that seems to break more and more by the day. I wanted to list the biggest bugs I have found, so people don't waste their time trying to figure out what they are doing wrong. Please feel free to add to the list.
- You cannot remove the green plus mark on report links (unless you restrict permissions where the user cannot add to a table). So if you have any custom add button, the mobile user may easily circumvent that by hitting the green plus mark.
- On add record, tabs after the first one, do not show (the fields in the tab will show, but the tabs themselves do not show).
- When viewing a report link, you cannot search if there is a space in your search string. So if you want to search 'Red House' you must only search either 'Red' or 'House'. This can get really really inconvenient in many circumstances.
- If you hide a tab with a dynamic form rule, it only hides the tab heading, nothing underneath it. You must hide all fields and sections individually (hiding a section will hide fields under it luckily, but any fields not in a section have to be hidden individually)
- Multiple show/hide dynamic form rules do not work, but it has been so long since my testing, I cannnot remember the specifics. Just know that if you are having an issue hiding or showing on mobile, it is almost certainy a bug.
- Override role settings by Report does not work on mobile (this is a nightmare).
- If you have a proxy field AND a related field on the form, all kinds of things go screwy. Just don't do it.
These are not insignifcant issues, and it is wholly dissapointing and infuriating that QB has made a strong commitment to doing nothing. I really hope someone at QB listens. Please add your own bugs to the list so we don't all spend time pulling our hair out, thinking it is us.
Mike Tamoush