Forum Discussion

TonyScott's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

Anyone having issues with QB after migration? Some of my child table records are not loading or slow loading...

My application is working really fast after the migration and was super excited...until I started to drill down into my child tables and notice a tremendous lag where QB opens the table bar and header information, but the child data from the table is blank for about 3-5 minutes before it eventually opens.  This has been confirmed by users at other physical locations and is not a network issue on our side.  As I said, the app is working amazingly fast until I drill down into it.
  • I think there may be s problem.

    I tried one app with a drill down of 16,000 records and it worked fine.

    But another app with a small target result came up empty. That is not correct.
  • I have reported it to Quickbase support, but they don't get in until 9:00 am Eastern, hard to believe that they don't have a 24-hr support as a SAAS provider that is international and has Fortune 500 clients, especially after a major data migration.
  • I double checked my report and discovered a problem with my drill down target report.  So I was incorrect in thinking I had a problem.  i must have dine a drill down and then modified the report and accidentally saved it, and the drill down target report was full of filters.
  • I am still having the issue.  Some records are opening horrifically slowly (30+ seconds), others are opening normally.