Forum Discussion

BrittanyScheid's avatar
Qrew Cadet
31 days ago

App Archive Strategies

Does anyone have a way that they save/archive their app structure/build before deleting an app? I'm doing some clean-up in our realm, and we have a bunch of old, unused apps. I want to archive/delete them, but I'm thinking of the off chance someone comes back and says "remember that app we had? can we get something like that again?". I'm thinking I could use the new solutions APIs to get the QBL exported, but that doesn't support reports, forms, pipelines, etc. yet. Just curious what others' app archive strategies are!

  • Man oh man. I never delete an app that might be useful in the future. If it doesn't have too much data just remove everybody's access except for your own or the core Quickbase Admins and just leave it alone.

    If it has a lot of data and you're worried about using up your application space or your file attachment space then, yeah you can delete most or all of the data maybe just leaving enough so if you come back later you can still remember how the app works. 

    • BrittanyScheid's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      Thanks Mark. I think I'm actually going to dump the data out and then just leave it alone. I'm not a fan of clutter and leaving thing unused, but I also would not want to have to rebuild something I did previously if they were to change their minds 2 years down the road :)

  • DonLarson's avatar
    Qrew Commander

    I can help you with the data side.   Reach out if you want to have a discussion on that.  Forms and reports are a very different issue with no good way at the moment to save that externally.

    • BrittanyScheid's avatar
      Qrew Cadet

      I was able to export out all of the data using the built in table export option, so I think I'm good there. Thanks though!