Forum Discussion

LB's avatar
Qrew Cadet
11 months ago

Application Access Requests


Is there a way to configure the message that is seen/accessed by people who are requesting the app?

The issue I'm having is the generic message of "could you please grant me access to the application" displays and not everyone types into this box to provide relevant info - for example what their job title is so I know what access to give them. 

I would like to change this message to have them fill in their job title or other pertinent info with their request. 

  • Not at present. I receive these too and often need to mail the user asking where they got blocked. You would need to provide feedback of the left hand side of the My Apps page to request an enhancement.   

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • RaulGranados's avatar
      Qrew Member

      I have the same problem. This must be prioritized---!!! I've been asking enhancements many times (for more than 10 years) to Quickbase team and they just ignore these. Any other option??

      Raul Granados
      Sr. Director, Global Supply Chain Data & Analytics
      Schneider Electric