Forum Discussion

AliceRich's avatar
Quickbase Staff
5 years ago

April – New Table Report Update

Hello again, New Table Report users! I'm back with my monthly update to let you know what goodies you can look forward to on Sunday.

One disclaimer before I dive in. To reiterate, this feature is still in an Early Access (aka Beta) phase which means it is still actively being developed. Part of what is exciting about being involved in an EA program like this is that you have the opportunity to give feedback on a feature that is not yet fully baked and can have an impact on its development. The flip side of that is that you should come into the experience expecting to find a few bugs and features we haven't yet built out. This is expected and OK!

 Onto the update:

  1. Horizontal Scroll Fix

First up, we have fixed an issue where users were unable to scroll L to R anywhere but at the bottom of reports. Many of you informed us of this issue, so thank you for that feedback!

With this fix we have also made a change to the way scrolling works on table reports. Now, only the actual report area will scroll rather than the current behavior where the entire screen area scrolls.

This also has the added benefit of solving another problem inadvertently. Previously there was some jumpy behavior with column headers when scrolling down the page. This is no longer an issue as the headers now stay fixed in place.

We recognize this will be a change that will take some getting used to and to make this switch easier, there are a few tools I'd like to highlight:

  • Full-screen mode
    While full-screen mode was available in the more menu before, we've brought this out onto the table bar to make it more easily accessible.

Note: The full-screen mode option will not be available on table homepages until our May release. Until then it will only be available on standalone reports.

  • Density controls
    Not a new feature, but still an incredibly useful one! On the right hand side of your report you can adjust your display density if you'd like to see more or fewer records on the page.

  • Feedback

As always, we want to know what you think. Successful early access programs rely on your feedback, so please don't hesitate to submit feedback early and often by logging into the QB Early Access app and pressing the "Add Feedback" button next to the New Table Report EA program.

Next up: Table bar/more menu choices displayed on standalone reports and table homepages are the same


  1. Essential, Daily Use Functionality

This past month we've also continued our focus on adding in functionality users rely on every day in the current table report experience.

  • This release we'll be including:
    • Delete these records (formerly known as "Delete all records in this report")
    • Find/Replace in this report (formerly Search & Replace in this report…)
    • Column Properties – set alignment and override column headings
    • Displaying report descriptions

This is an area we'll continue to focus on in future releases, so stay tuned for more updates here.

Next up: report density and chosen column widths persist between sessions


  1. Visual Design Enhancements


A big part of our goals for the overall UI Refresh project we're embarking on is to, of course, modernize the look and feel of our UI. You may have noticed in my above screenshots, that this month we've included a couple of key updates:


  • To save unnecessary space and modernize our look we'll be displaying icons + tooltips instead of both text and icons on the table bar

From L to R: Grid edit, Download Report, Full Screen, More Menu, Customize Report/Page

  • Where we previously had an icon next to your density controls to enable column filters, we've moved this next to the search box to be more intuitive and discoverable.

Click it once to enable filters and twice to close them

  1. Miscellaneous

  • Summary Date/Time fields will now be available in column filters
  • We've resolved an issue with the display of Formula - Rich Text fields so these should now display as expected  


As always, we appreciate and rely on your feedback to inform our product decisions moving forward. Don't forget to submit your feedback here by pressing the "Add Feedback" button next to the New Table Report EA program.

Also, something new I'm trying this month, if you'd like to schedule time with me to chat about the new table report, feel free to use this link to grab a half hour directly on my calendar here.

 If you're interested in participating in our early access program for the new table report, but are not yet involved, please make sure you have registered based on the instructions in our monthly release notes. We are inviting more and more participants every day. 

If you are exceptionally passionate about working with us on this topic and being part of the cutting edge in Quick Base and have not yet received an invite to the program, please reach out to your account team at Quick Base so that they get in touch with the right people on our product team to advocate for you.

Alice Hinshaw - Quick Base Product Manager
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