Forum Discussion

Jlewis's avatar
Qrew Member
30 days ago

Ask The User Exact Search


I have a report that asks the user to input a value and returns the result.

I am searching for Asset records assigned to a user, or client. Because these clients are formatted with "HFT" and leading zeros for a number less than 3, the clients look something like these examples: "HFT055",  "HFT006", and "HFT545". I made a formula field that removes the "HFT" and appends leading zeros, and have the report set to "Store Search" (my formula field) contains "Ask the User". My goal here is to allow the user to only input the number, not HFT or leading zeros.

Formula: "HFT" & PadLeft(ToText([Related Client]), 3, "0")

This current setup works in a sense but also pulls up other records due to the contains criteria. When I change the filter to "Is Equal To" nothing shows up.

Can this work so the user inputs just a number, such as 55, and it would pull up an exact match of all assets assigned to user HFT055?

  • np,

    I suggest that you make a formula numeric field literally called 

    [Enter the numeric Store Number with no leading zeros]


    Then make a formula of ToNumber(NotLeft([Client Store Number],3))

    The use that field in the <ask the user> report with a test of equals.

