Forum Discussion

MichelleL's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Automatically reset/clear dynamic filters when report is closed?

Edit! I think I've figured out the answer to my problem here, which is that it isn't a problem because the filters only 'save' for me, and everyone else sees what they're supposed to. Ignore! 

I've created a dashboard that allows users to access various pre-filtered reports, along with one that will display all records in a table. Some of those reports also have dynamic filters so users can find what they're looking for easily. 

I have everything set up so that the majority of users can't edit common reports. However, that means that those of us who can edit them frequently access reports, filter/search to find specific records, then forget to clear/reset our filters/search terms before we exit. 

Is there a way to automatically reset dynamic filters on exiting a report, so that anyone who opens it later won't find that it only shows certain data (and then contact me to ask why they can't find XYZ)?

Michelle L

  • Are you saying that the users with higher permissions are accidentally saving the reports after they change the filters?

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • MichelleL's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Hi! I think I actually identified a problem that doesn't exist. I regularly open reports that I've filtered, and of course they're still filtered just how I left them. But after getting some other users to play guinea pig for me, they see the correctly-filtered data that I want them to see, vs. whatever I last looked up via my dynamic filters. However, if they use the dynamic filters themselves, it seems like they will see whatever they last searched/filtered on the next time they view a report. Is there a way to stop that happening? As in, have the dynamic filters clear automatically when you exit a report? 

      Michelle L
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        No, the filters remember, per user, how they were last filtered.  They certainly remember (stay sticky) during the day, but perhaps might reset overnight. You would have to test that yourself to find out if they clear overnight.  

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)