Forum Discussion

TestAccount's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

Automation: Atomicity and Locking

Do Automations run as an atomic transaction and/or perform any row/table locking while they run?
Wondering if/how my application will behave when multiple users simulataneously run Automations.
  • I'm not sure what some of these terms mean, but I think I've asked a similar question to a developer during one of their live tutorial sessions.

    They assured me that if users attempt to run the same automation simultaneously, the system will queue the automations up, and fully complete the first before moving onto the second.

    Hope that answers your question.
  • Hi,

    Working with Automations when they fire they queue up very much like multiple users attempting to do actions at the same time running through Quick Base. They run in order of when they are triggered and as such if four automations fire all close together, all editing the same field, the last Automation to fire will be the one reflected at the end in the changed record but each automation will have run in order till the last one resolves. I hope that information is helpful. 
  • SuryaExpert's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    So, Evan, are you saying all the 4 will run one AFTER the other, in the order they were queued? In other words, will the second one wait until the first one finishes or will it run simultaneously?
  • They will run one after the other if they are going into the same destination application just like user actions would queue working in an application. Quick Base handles those requests as they come in, but some Automations might trigger off of multiple record changes as an Import from CSV call which would run as a single job. This is in the case of an Automation that triggers off of mass edits taking place all at one like Grid Edit or Import. If instead those four actions were triggered by four different users then they would process like any user action in order. It depends on how they are triggered.