Forum Discussion

KellyLyons1's avatar
Qrew Cadet
3 years ago

Automation to change edit a field in a parent table from child table

I would like to create an automation in a table that will allow me to modify a record in a parent table if needed.

Here is my scenrior:

I create or edit a record in Table B, before closing the record i would like a pop up to ask if ( or anything else that can ask me to change the record in the parent table) I would like to modify a specific field in the parent table ( the field is "reminder date" in table A)

Basically I create or modify a record in my "estimate" table, I would also like to be able to change my "reminder date" for the parent record (patient table)....

I will eventually use pipelines to do this, but I need to set up this up quickly.

Any thoughts?

Kelly Lyons

2 Replies

  • AustinK's avatar
    Qrew Commander
    Just keep in mind that automations is going away in the really not that distant future. In June 2022 they will restrict you from making new automations. In January 2023 all automations will cease to function. You may create some tech debt for yourself here that will be annoying later on so at least write it down I guess. Then again maybe you can migrate the automation to a pipeline easily with their system, who knows.

    It sounds like all you need to do is to trigger on the Estimates table when a record changes. Assuming I understood you correctly I think this would work:

    Trigger: When a user modifies a record in Estimates.

    Action: Modify records in Patients where Record ID# is equal to Trigger: Related Patient(old or new value should not matter).

    Set Reminder Date as <insert date here>, You can either pick a date or have a formula that gets you the right date ready to go.
    • KellyLyons1's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      Hi Austin!

      So I have set this up, and the automations run details are showing that the status is complete however I do not see that the specified field is updated.  

      Here are the screen shots of the set up.  The only difference from what you said above is that My reminder date is already an existing date field, so I do not need to insert it.  I have set it change based on the pictured parameters.  Any ideas what is the issue??

      Kelly Lyons