Forum Discussion

ChrisSwirtz1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

Best way to restrict edit access to specific form sections

In the App I am working on there are 3 tabbed sections that an outside user fills out and "submits". On a fourth "Internal" tab my clients have several steps that they take internally using the info filled out in the first 3 tabs. My client is asking that those first 3 tabs be locked for editing by internal users during certain points. I know I can lock edit access to the entire form easy enough, but to break it into parts, the only way that I know of would be to create a dynamic form rule listing what would be 100 fields in those first 3 tabs as read-only when in a certain status or when a certain user is working on it. Is there a better way to do this?

Chris Swirtz

3 Replies

  • You can also specify that 'sections' are read-only in the form rules.

    Jeff Peterson
    • ChrisSwirtz1's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Can you explain a bit further how to do that? When I try to set a form rule based on a status field and make the action "Make read-only" the sections and tabs are not available on the list.

      Chris Swirtz
      • JeffPeterson1's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        Hi Chris,

        You must make sure you've set up your form correctly, but you should be able to easily hide sections.  You need to be sure you give each section a name.:


        Jeff Peterson