Forum Discussion

  • Unfortunately customizing an applications dashboards and table homepage requires app level edit privileges. They CAN however build a dashboard in an app they DO have create rights in with reports from an app where they don't. 
    Option A. You'd have to provide them with the ability to create an application of their own on your account, or create a blank app for each user for whom you'd like to be able to build their own dashboard. This sounds tedious I know, but it does have the added benefit of your end-users becoming familiar with building in Quick Base, hopefully empowering them to find new uses for the platform that improve your business processes.
    Option B. You create a seperate role AND homepage for each user, and maybe create a "request dashboard change" mechanism where they can submit a record with what dashboard elements should go where etc. More tedious, but limits the number of apps on your account.

    Option C.
    You create multiple Dashboard pages with varying page layouts, each one with links to each other respectively giving ALL users the option to toggle to their version of preference.

    If I'm honest, I have made it a habit of using my own custom folders/bookmarks to organize certain reports/apps etc because it seems everyone has a different way of organizing their work, even in the same role and application.

    I'd love to see a future product release where an administrator has the option of setting the default Homepage for a role, but maybe checking a box to "Allow user to customize their own dashboard" so they can make changes to their view without changing anyone elses.... I think this would be incredibly practical for every Quick Base client