Forum Discussion

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Qrew Captain
6 years ago

Can Quick Case show Chinese character?

Sometimes, we hope to paste some foreign languages in the comments box. So, another user can directly copy/past and send to a translator.

Can Quick Case show Chinese character? Instead of 中&#25991.

Any other foreign languages? 

Also, I looked my Chrome setting, trying to change the unicode. I don't know if it's my problem that I didn't find "Encoding" setting, or they changed setting content. 

Thank you very much. 

  • Hi Ning and Vasileia,

    By default Quick Base isn't designed to capture all the nuances of language characters like Chinese and Greek and what that means is without some careful work those language characters can get garbled and make them unusable. We do have a few Partners that have experience with handling language characters in Quick Base and have built out solutions for that need. Some of our Partners who are here on the Community might actually be able to speak a bit more to the solutions they have available. Alternatively if you are curious about our Partners you can find out more about them on our Partner page:

    Alternatively, we do have a work around that can be applied but does require careful watching. It is to have all users in the application synchronize their browser's character encoding settings so that their browsers can all interpret the nuances that Quick Base does not capture. You can find more about the details on how this would be accomplished in our Knowledge Base article linked below:

    I hope this information is helpful. 

  • If you use the Rich Text field type, you will be able to store the characters (for example 汉语) without any difficulty. The only caveat to this is that you will not be able to paste the characters into a Grid Edit, you will have to open the record and paste it into the Rich Text field directly, as I was able to do here with the Chinese characters above. (Note that while I was able to get the data to store correctly in Rich Text, not every browser rendered it correctly on screen. I found Chrome the most useful for entering the data, and Edge the least)

    Ben Smith