Forum Discussion

DanielJohnson2's avatar
Qrew Trainee
4 years ago

Convert Numeric field into Duration

Hi All,

We're porting in data from an API on phone calls and one of the fields is the length of the call. That information comes to us in seconds. From there, how can I get it to show in MM:SS? It's being sent into a numeric field at the moment because I guess the default for the duration field is hours? Right now I've got a numeric field showing 1777, and I'd like a field that shows 29:37.

In actuality, I need that field to round down from 00:19, and round up from 00:20, but I figured I'd just right that into an if statement once I was able to get the numbers looking right.

Daniel Johnson
  • You can create a new Formula Duration field with a formula of Minutes([my import field]).

    If you want to round to the nearest Minute, then you can use the Round formula

    Round(Minutes([my import field]), Minutes(1))

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    • DanielJohnson2's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Hey Mark, 

      I tried that, and 1777 (seconds) displays as 29:37:00 (HH:MM:SS). I changed the Minutes() formula to Seconds() and that worked. I can't use the rounding formula because I need to be able to specify when to round, instead of just in the exact middle.

      Daniel Johnson
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        Yes, you are  correct to use Seconds, that was my error. 

        As for the rounding, if you are still stuck on that as the famous Kirk Tracy says, "if you can say it we can do it".  So if you can say what the rounding rules are then I can help you with the formula.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)