Forum Discussion

YasminBoyrati's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

Copying inventory entries & fields

I have 3 tables in an app- purchase orders, items, and inventory. Currently I have it set up so that when a order arrives, the related fields for the purchase order and the item are added into an inventory entry. Usually when we order a box of items, we get for example 4 packs in the box, so after adding one item to the inventory table, we select the "copy item" to add the remaining 3 packs to inventory table. The issue I'm facing is that the Purchase order info from the first item does not copy over for the remaining items. Is there anyway to make this work? 

Thanks in advance!

Yasmin Boyrati

3 Replies

  • I assume that you are using the More ... button to copy the record and the field for Related Parent or Parent is set as Read only on the child form.

    It is an annoying quirk that when the field is marked as Read Only on the form, then that field will not populate.  :(

    The work-a-round is to make the field on the form editable as usual, but have a form rule.

    When [Related Parent] is not blank
    Make Read only [ Related Parent]

    Then it will copy across the Related Parent but still have it locked down form being accidentally edited by users.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • PrashantMaheshw's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      ooh , I did' know this quirk existed as my form had parent in edit mode !

      Prashant Maheshwari
  • Right click the Related Purchase Order Properties , Scroll Down in Advance, and check if you have the Auto-Fill options checked. It could be the culprit

    Prashant Maheshwari