Forum Discussion

IvanWeiss's avatar
Qrew Captain
2 years ago

Default checkbox when loading a form

Hi everyone,

I have an expense app for employees to enter expenses and get reimbursement.  It references another table with a field on it for "Has Company Credit Card".  If that box is unchecked when a user starts a new expense I want the field "Reimbursable" to default to checked.  However, I do want the user to be able to override it and uncheck it in case they should not reimburse.

So how can I conditionally set the "starting point" for a checkbox but allow the user to override it?

Ivan Weiss
  • Is it possible to change the Reimbursable field to a yes/no multiple choice required field displayed as a radio button?

     That way you can have a simple form rule which says when [Has Company Credit Card (lookup)] is unchecked
    and [Reimbursable] is blank,

    Change  Reimbursable to no.

    You could also have an opposite rule 

    [Has Company Credit Card (lookup)] is unchecked
    and [Reimbursable] is blank,

    Change Reimbursable to yes.

    In both cases set the rule to fire all the time (deselect that trick checkbox at the bottom of he form rule configuration.

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • IvanWeiss's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      The problem with the form rule is that it is always going to set the checkbox based on what is on the team report.

      So let's say, for example, an employee like me has a personal credit card and a corporate card.  I use my personal card for 90% of the items and want the reimbursable checkbox to be checked by default.  But I need the ability to override it and uncheck it.  

      If I uncheck it wont it reset to be checked again every time the form loads?

      Ivan Weiss
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        Hence my suggestion not to use a checkbox.  I suggested making it to be a text multiple choice field so that it it was blank, you would be able to default it., but the user could override to "yes' or "no".

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)