Forum Discussion

MikeMike's avatar
Qrew Cadet
8 years ago

Display more than 20 results per page on Summary Report

I have created a summary report, however it is showing only 20 results per page, turning my report into a 7 page report.  

Is there a way to customize the report to show all results on the single page?
  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    I don't know of a why to force the list to change easily, but I would just mention that if you have a summary report that shows 120+ rows, then its might be better to group the summary options differently.
    • MikeMike's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      The report is outputting exactly what I require, just on multiple pages.  20 per page doesn't seem a lot, so would be nice if I could make it display more per page.
  • I think that the more Group By columns you have across the report, the fewer rows you get. 
    • MikeMike's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      That looks like it might be part of the problem - indeed if I have less than 10 columns it displays more than 20 rows.  Is there any way to modify this limitation?
    • QuickBaseCoachD's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      User Voice? There is a tab on the My Apps page to make suggestions for improvement. No other solution that I know of.
    • PaulVorster1's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      HI Mark, has this been resolved since your comment, or is it still 20 rows? AS I am experiencing the same problem currently?