Forum Discussion

JacobMacIntyre's avatar
Quickbase Staff
6 years ago

Do you want to start a local QB builder community?

When I was a customer of Quick Base, one of the things I loved most was watching my colleagues' "light bulbs" go on, so to speak. That time when you're talking through a process with somebody, and you realize that the reason their process is so broken is because of the technology that was available (or not available), and that with Quick Base they can build what is necessary to fit the best process. Or that moment someone learns the power of a database for the first time because they finally understand it. Or when a person no longer hates their job because they killed that spreadsheet-turned-ERP monster. 

Now, as a Quick Base employee, my role and work is quite different. I participate in and lead a lot more conversations about Quick Base with prospective customers, brand new users, and veteran builders. What hasn't changed is my favorite part - those light bulbs.  Since our customers span the globe, most of these conversations are video chat, phone, or email. However, when we can make it happen, we always find that face to face conversations have a higher chance of those light bulbs turning on.

One example of this is our local builder group we started a little while back in Portland, OR. Builders from around town get together, have a drink or snack, and chat about their recent discoveries, challenges, and wins. I can't tell you how rewarding this has been. A room of light bulbs who genuinely enjoy each other's company, centered around a single mantra: getting the work done effectively. 

Are you a veteran builder? Are you new to Quick Base and you "get it" and want to do more? Do you want to network and find out how many others in your area are developing cool apps with Quick Base? If you're interested in starting a builder community in your area, reach out to me. I'd love to help you get started. 


Jacob MacIntyre
Quick Base
Portland OR
  • HI!

    I am also on Long Island and would love to have a local user group.  Count me in!


    Patricia Reinhardt
  • Vancouver, BC anyone?

    Gary McDonald
  • Hi Jacob, I would love to do this in NYC! Let's chat about it!

    Leanne Snoeck
  • Jacob, Ivan here on Long Island a bit outside of the nyc metro area. I would LOVE this. We joined quick base this year and I have quickly built a pretty thorough app acting as an ERP for us. But there a million times I wish I could see what others do for inspiration. I would be 100 percent in.

    Ivan Weiss
  • Hey Jacob:
    I'm in Pittsburgh PA. I would LOVE to start a builder group in my area.  Have anyone else in my area??

    Melissa Freel
    • DomDeCinti's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Hello, I am in the Pittsburgh area. A community would be a great thing in my eyes.
      Dom DeCinti
      • KevinTrostle's avatar
        Qrew Member
        Also in the Pittsburgh area, looks like we have 3 interested so far?

        Kevin T
  • HI Jacob,

    Myh name is Souheil Karam. I have been using QuickBase for at least 8 years. I am interested in starting a builder community in my area, Seattle, Washington. Please feel free to rach out to me at

    sckaram sckaram
    • JacobMacIntyre's avatar
      Quickbase Staff
      I hate Nate Underwood reach out. Can't wait!

      Jacob MacIntyre
      Quick Base
      Portland OR
    • ProjectsForce1's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      My name is Chad Thomas and I have been working with Quickbase roughly the same amount of time. I am in the Philadelphia Area and would love to do this as well. Maybe we could try to do something local as well as maybe a web based gathering?

      • JacobMacIntyre's avatar
        Quickbase Staff

        Philly! Okay we're going to look into builders in the area and get back to you. 

        Thank you!

        Jacob MacIntyre
        Quick Base
        Portland OR