Forum Discussion

ShariMoehlenkam's avatar
Qrew Trainee
7 years ago

does record picker not work in the grid view?

how to you select a different field from a record to display in a grid rather than the primary key? I've got record picker set up but that only seems to work on the form view. thanks
  • Shari,
    The record picker setting in the Table Advanced Settings should also work in Grid Edit. 

    Perhaps what you are trying to say is that you have a form with a particular report that you are using for the drop down.  But then in Grid Edit mode, the drop down reverts just to the native record picker fields.  Is that what you are trying to say?
    • ShariMoehlenkam's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Thanks - I figured it out.  I needed a proxy reference in order for the info to display in the grid view.
  • form with a particular report that you are using for the drop down.  But then in Grid Edit mode, the drop down reverts just to the native record picker fields.  Is that what you are trying to say?"

    Yes, this is happening to me, when i want to select an item from the record picker in grid edit, it displays the related numeric ref first, so i cant search the list because every item has the same prefix.
  • The low tech solution is to go to the Advanced Propertues tab of the table and choose meaning ful fields to show when Picking Records.
  • Not following that you are trying to say.

    Take a look at this image.  The problem is I cant get rid of the Product#1, prefix on the item.  I cant for the life of me get any setting to change this anywhere.

  • Right. So go to the products table.

    Advanced Properities
    Look for the Record Picker Settings
    Choose a meaningful field as the 1st selection instead iof Record ID
  • Related to this, when I go to edit a Proxy Reference field in Grid Edit, it only shows the Record ID, though I've changed the Record Picker options in the parent record's Advanced Settings. Two screen shots below: Parent Record advanced settings for Record Picker; and, Grid Edit view from the child record showing the oddity. 
  • I am also trying to figure out how to make it more user friendly to edit in grid edit mode on this type of issue.    When in grid edit, it is displaying the items in chronological order from oldest to newest, and it seems like it should be in reverse chronological order to make the most relevant data at the top of the list in the record picker.    Grid Edit needs to be more customizable period.    I can go into the properties of the table and customize the record picker items to display, but that doesn't specifically enable me to have the record picker in grid edit be sorted and filtered based on how I want the data to display for ease of use.   

    Is there a fix for this?   
  • There is a solution here.  You can create a form called perhaps Grid Edit and the fields on the form in their sequence on the form can be used to control which columns are presented to the user in Grid Edit mode.  You can also select which report to use on the "form" to control the sort and filters.  Once you build this "form" you specify where it is to be used in Forms usage, and select it to be used for Grid Edit for some Roles or certain Reports.