Forum Discussion

DellDelemar's avatar
Qrew Member
8 months ago

Duration in minutes only

I have a duration formula below: Currently it shows the results in hrs or days. Anyway to have it show hours only and not days? 

var datetime CheckIn = ToTimestamp([Resource Check In Date], [Resource Check In Time]);
var datetime CheckOut = ToTimestamp([Resource Check Out Date], [Resource Check Out Time]);
$CheckOut - $CheckIn

Dell Delemar

1 Reply

  • If the field is already a formula-duration you can change the display from Smart Units to Hours and it will render as the # of hours. If you need the actual value to be a pure # of hours you could convert the field to be formula-numeric and wrap it in ToHours like: 

    ToHours($CheckOut - $CheckIn)

    Chayce Duncan