Forum Discussion

AnthonyGuillen1's avatar
Qrew Cadet
8 years ago

Exact Form Page Break

I've looked high and low for an answer here in the community, but can't find an answer:

How do I insert a page break on an exact form?  

My form has multiple pages for one record - it prints a version of the record for the manager, and a slightly different version for the production line.  I also want a page break prior to a related detail table so that the table fits nicely on one page.

I've tried various html codes

~<style>.break {page-break-before: always;}</style><h1 class=break></h1>~


~<p style="page-break-after: always;"></p>~

I tried removing the tildes as well.  No go.   I've read that I should be able to edit the exact form directly from the dbpage... how do I do that?  Where do I find that?

  • Here's an answer to my own question, with a little help from customer support.  They said that it's pretty complicated inserting an html page break in the exact form itself.  A work-around is to edit the exact form html in QuickBase itself.  Go to the Homepage for the application itself, then Settings --> Pages. There you should see the Exact Form. Click on it and you'll be able to edit the html.

    I pasted in this simple html page break where I needed them:

    <p style="page-break-before: always">

    And it worked. Downloading the exact form back into the word macro, and then saving it back to QuickBase resulted in loss of the page break for some reason, so I'm having to re-insert every time I do this.  There's probably some better html code that won't get stripped, but this works well enough for me.
    • ChrisNewsome's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      This worked for me, but i had to add the closing to it for it to work:
      <p style="page-break-before: always"> </P>​

      Chris Newsome
  • This doesn't work for me. :(  I literally added every option discussed above, separately and together. Page 2 of the exact form displays next to Page 1 instead of beneath it.
  • When I invoke the exact form from QuickBase, the format is completely screwy, but when I actually print (either to hard copy or to PDF), the page breaks work.  

    If you share your exact form code (just a few lines before and after where you put your page break) from settings-->pages, I can tell you if I see anything amiss.