Forum Discussion

ScottTalarico's avatar
Qrew Cadet
7 years ago

Exact Forms - Extra Spaces with Rich Text fields

I have a multi line rich text field in an exact form.  In the past I used html to manage the spacing which worked fine.  When Quickbase changed the formatting on this field I can no longer use html in the field successfully (I can put html in the source).  My issue is for every hard return it adds an extra space at the bottom of the text.  I used to be able to use </br> and write all the text on one line to eliminate this problem
  • DonLarson's avatar
    Qrew Commander

    Make the shift to Exact Forms Plus.   

    Every new client I start with, I have them get EF+   It solves so many issues with the presentation layer for data leaving QB.

    Don Larson
    Westlake OH
  • I found this same issue.
    I ended up replacing the standard javascript file that this exact form calls, with a slightly modified js file, only changing one line in the js.

    line 232 old
    data += "<BR>\r\n ";​

    line 232 new
    data += "<!-- <BR> --> \r\n ";​

    I don't know what that is for, if I need it later I will adjust the script.

    • DerekRoush's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      John, I'm not very familiar with javascript, but I found the link to a .js file in the exact form Page html.  I downloaded that file, replaced the line you referenced, uploaded the new .js file to a publicly accessible Quick Base file attachment field, created a new code Page with the updated .js code, and pasted the link to that new code page in the src= section where I found the original .js link.

      But the exact form isn't merging fields from QB.  Was I anywhere close to the process that you used?

      Derek Roush
      • DerekRoush's avatar
        Qrew Trainee
        Never mind, there was an issue when I pasted John's new code line.  I fixed that and it removed the spacing!

        Derek Roush
  • when editing data in a rich text field when hitting enter for a new line hold down the shift key at the same time as the enter key and instead of a paragraph you'll get a single line break or the <br />  html tag
  • Thanks for reply.  I have used that technique to create the breaks.  It still creates a blank line at the end of the text for each line break.   If I'm inserting 10 lines of text it will be followed by 10 blank lines before the next item in the exact form.  
    • KeithJusas's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Hi Scott, I see the same thing.

      here is my test...

      digging a little deeper, the api returns some extra break tags in the xml that may be causing the issue
      see here

      <f id="66">
      Line 1 of Terms<br /><BR/>
      Line 2 of Terms<br /><BR/>
      Line 3 of terms<br /><BR/>
      Line 4 of Terms<br /><BR/>
      Line 5&nbsp;of terms<br /><BR/>
      Line 6&nbsp;of Terms<br /><BR/>
      Line 7&nbsp;of terms<br /><BR/>
      Line 8&nbsp;of Terms<br /><BR/>
      Line 9&nbsp;of terms<br /><BR/>
      Line 10&nbsp;of Terms

      when I try the same thing with our Exact Forms Plus add-on we don't have that same problem though

      you should open a support case with Quick Base

  • Scott, I'm so glad you asked this question. I'm consistently running into the same issue - have you had any success or heard back from Quick Base (if you opened a support case)?
    • AmandaTorrisi's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      I am also having this issue. Has there been any resolution?

      Amanda Torrisi
  • If this is still an issue give Exact Forms Plus a try.  Its worth a look to see what options you have.
    You can use our DIY setup wizard to setup your application for a free trial.

    Setup in a Quick Base builder account and its always free!


    Keith Jusas