Forum Discussion

BarbaraAlvarez1's avatar
Qrew Member
3 years ago

Exact forms. Can I pull a field from an imbedded grid table?

Hi,  I have an imbedded grid table from a relationship in my exact form.   I need to use one of those fields further down in my from.  Is there any way I can extract a field from the grid table?
The form is linked to the parent table so I don't have access to the child fields for the form extract.     Or, any suggestions on how to get at the child field to expose to the form? 

Thank you!

Barbara Alvarez
  • I'm trying to understand your question.  You have a parent and say 20 children.  When you say that you want to pull a field form the children,  which of the 20 record do you want to pull a value from?

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • BarbaraAlvarez1's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Sequence is ...
          select and save an agency  
             then add  Type-A record(s)  to the agency 
             then add a Type-B record to the agency 
       I then can print the form. 
      The exact form then shows the agency,   
          and the Type-A report grid 
          and the Type-B report grid. 
      Then I build a small table in the form that needs to populate a column with a field value from  the Type-B record(report)  - Client name.   So I need the client name related to the Agency record save.     Hope that is understandable.

      Barbara Alvarez
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        OK, so this is not an exact forms issue.  The issue is how to float up some data form a child table into a clean field on the parent record.  Then the Exact form is easy as you have a clean field to use.

        I'm not sure I fully understand what your form and relationships look like, but I suggest making editing the relationship to create a combined text summary field of the Client Name.
        Then make a new field with the formula 
        ToText([Client name])

        and use that field on the Exact Form.

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)