Forum Discussion

CarolMcconnell's avatar
Qrew Captain
2 years ago

Export Text - Multiple Choice fields and their options

Is there way to export a list of Text - Multiple Choice fields and the options for each one.  I have a lot and I need a list of them but it will take forever to manually do it.


Carol Mcconnell
  • ChayceDuncan's avatar
    2 years ago

    The other option might be to look at this App from the Exchange: 

    Application Analyzer

    If you install it - you can plug in and it's pre loaded with a schema analyzer that will pull all the details out of your app. If memory serves, it will extract all the fields out as records for each table - and pluck out some of the relevant info such as the formula text and potentially the MC options. It's been some time since I've actually installed this app and seen what changes might be in there - but take a look and see if the output gets you what you need. 

    Chayce Duncan
  • Simple Export? No. If you're comfortable with reading JSON - you could run the API call to getFields - it would give you a JSON output and you could comb through and find all the multiple choice fields in the response. Its not an Excel type output - but better than going one by one depending on your level of comfortability with that format. 

    You can run the actual call through the Portal and then copy the response over to a text editor or something so you can ctrl+f to find the multiple choice fields. 

    Chayce Duncan
    • CarolMcconnell's avatar
      Qrew Captain

      I'm not familar with using API calls enough to do this, so that won't work for me.

      Carol Mcconnell
      • ChayceDuncan's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        The other option might be to look at this App from the Exchange: 

        Application Analyzer

        If you install it - you can plug in and it's pre loaded with a schema analyzer that will pull all the details out of your app. If memory serves, it will extract all the fields out as records for each table - and pluck out some of the relevant info such as the formula text and potentially the MC options. It's been some time since I've actually installed this app and seen what changes might be in there - but take a look and see if the output gets you what you need. 

        Chayce Duncan