Has anyone implemented a lot of formula queries (100+) in their app? I have only implemented about 20, and I love them, but am afraid of performance issues. I am wondering if anyone has used a lot ...
So I am much safer creating queries that may be used in say, calculations that are not displayed anywhere, than if I had a large report with a formula query constantly updating and needing to display. Correct?
------------------------------ Mike Tamoush ------------------------------
Quickbase does the minimum amount of work required to process the request, like running a report or displaying a record. If there was no need to process a formula query to answer the request then that Formula Query caused zero load on the system.
------------------------------ Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach) mark.shnier@gmail.com ------------------------------
I have a few formula Rich Text fields to created graphics which have many formula queries in them. I have found that if I add more variables/queries, I get an error "the way you've built this field will take too long to calculate" so there is some quick analysis being done on table size/# of queries (in this case the table being queried has ~600K records in it). But I don't know the limit. I'd say in this app I have close to 200 formula queries with no major slowdowns.
I ended up resorting to using Power BI to give me what I want on these massive data sets.
------------------------------ Jeremy Myer ------------------------------