Forum Discussion

AmandaThomas1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 years ago

Formula to check for blank/null Multi-Select Text field

I am writing custom data rules and would like to have a rule that when a specific Multi-Select Text field [Items Awarded] is blank/null the record cannot be saved.

I've tried using each of the following, and each returned an error
[Items Awarded] = ""  -- The operator '=' can't be applied on types textlist, text
ToText([Items Awarded]) = ""  -- Expecting text but found bool
[Items Awarded] = Null  -- Expecting text but found bool
ISNULL([Items Awarded])  -- Expecting number/date/datetime/TimeOfDay/duration/workdate/user/userlist but found textlist

How do I use a formula to check for blank/null Multi-Select Text fields?

Amanda Thomas
Business Systems Analyst
Morse Steel Reinforcing
Bellingham WA
  • It's not well documented imho, but custom data rule is really a formula text field and the record will be blocked on save if the generated message to the user, is not blank.  

    So this should work

    IF(ToText([Items Awarded]) = "", "You must select at least one value for Items Awarded")

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • AmandaThomas1's avatar
      Qrew Trainee
      Thank you Mark. I just realized that the reason I was receiving an error even when using (ToText([Items Awarded]) was that I didn't have the next condition in the if statement. 

      I appreciate your help

      Amanda Thomas
      Business Systems Analyst
      Morse Steel Reinforcing
      Bellingham WA