If I am understanding the ask correctly, the did not travel condition should be part of the Query. Also, I don't believe your query will work as written. I think it needs to be in this format:
var text Query = "{15.EX.'" & [Field A] & "'} AND {6.CT.'AnyWordsHere'} AND {23.OBF.'" & [Date Field] & "'}";
I believe each condition for the query needs to be contained in its own {} and each of the words 'and' needs to be capitalized 'AND'
In your case, one of those conditions would be {6.EX.'False'} where 6 is the field ID for your Did Not Travel Checkbox (I forget if that is the correct query syntax for checkboxes. It may be 6.EX.'0', hopefully someone else can jump in and correct if needed).