Forum Discussion

HarrisonSmith's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 months ago

Funnel Report that isn't mutually exclusive

I feel like there must be a way to do this that I just can't think of. I have a funnel report that's based on a formula field with an if statement, which itself is based on evaluating whether a variety of different formula checkboxes are checked or not. I have 6 different categories that people could fall into. Each category gets more specific/narrow, but overall they're evaluating basically the same thing (proximity to a particular address). So I want a way to not deduplicate across categories. For instance, Person A meets criteria 1 (lives within 1 mile), 2 (lives within 2 miles, etc.), 3, 4, 5, 6, they currently show up in that slice of the funnel based on which clause of the if statement evaluates to true.

But because of how if statements work, this person won't show up in the slice of the funnel for people who meet criteria 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on, which sort of defeats the purpose of a funnel report, as I want to see how the number of people in each category dwindles as it gets more specific. If someone lives within 1 mile of this address, they will automatically also live within 2 miles, 3 miles, 4 miles, etc. 

So if I have 100 people that meet criteria 1-6, perhaps a subset of that 100 (80 people) would meet criteria 1-5 only, but I still want the people who meet all of 1-6 to also show up in the 1-5 slice. I almost need an if statement that continues to evaluate the rest of the conditions even after it meets one that's true. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. If its not possible to display in a funnel report, is there a way I could get this to work in some other way, whether that's a chart of table report? 

  • You can use a summary report and contrive to sort based on a logical sequence.  There is an option to show a column which is a % of the column total or I think as a running %.

    • HarrisonSmith's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      Thanks Mark, the summary report idea works well enough for what I need. It's a shame there's no way to do this natively in a funnel though, it almost seems like that's sort of the entire point of a funnel report in the first place.