Gantt plugin: tasks with fractional start and end values
Hi all
I'm using the Gantt plugin to manage task with short durations (hours).
The Gantt plugin allows me to move e resize tasks so the start and end are given as dates and times.
But the start and date fields on the Tasks table are Date fields, not DateTime fields.
I need to get more detailed info from my tasks, but I don't know were the fractional start ad date info is stored.
Lets suppose, for example, a task starting at a given date and time, and ending at a given date and time. If I move the task by a few hours, in a way that it stays on the same dates, and go to the currespondent record on the Tasks table, I see that the "Date modified" field does not change, meaning the record was not updated. If I move (or resize) the task so the start or end date change, the "Date modified" field gets updated.
So, in summary, the question is: on which table is the fractional info (time) for tasks start and end is stored on my app?