Forum Discussion

TeresaSteeg1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
3 months ago

Gauge Report - Wrong Percentage


I'm creating a gauge report that shows the percentage of POs Invoiced/Current Project Budget (aka Percent Consumed).  This report is going on a dashboard that has a dynamic filter for Project Priority.  After lots of trial and error, I decided to create summary fields in a parent table called "Universal Reporting Record".  The summary fields specify the percentage for each priority... 1, 2, 3 and the combination of all three as All.

I am then using a formula in the gauge report to specify which Percent Consumed field should be used depending on the priority:

The percentage for "All" should be 13.4%, but it continues to show 17% and I cannot figure out why.  The other priorities (1, 2, and 3) show correctly as the dynamic filter is changed.  The calculation is done on $s Consumed/Total Budget.  These are the same fields used in the summary table mentioned above, just different labels for the dashboard.

Here are the results for Project Priority = 1 which are correct:

Any help is greatly appreciated!! 

  • What are the settings for the gauge chart report which is being shown on the dashboard that shows the 17% (which is wrong and should show 13%) 

    • Mez's avatar
      Qrew Trainee

      What happens if you remove the nested 'if' statements, leaving just one If()? 


      [Project Priority] = "1", [Uni ... 1],

      [Project Priority] = "2", [Uni ... 2],

      [Project Priority] = "3", [Uni ... 3],

      [Uni ... All]


  • I think perhaps that the  Gauge chart should just be showing the value for Average for the  single field [... Percent consumed - ALL] 

  • Yes, I have tried that too.  I changed the "What does the gauge measure?" field from the formula to [... Percent consumed - ALL] .  The percentage is correct at 13.4%, but then the dynamic filter does not work.  It just continues to show 13.4% no matter what priority you choose.

    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

      I'm guessing you're set up as you have maybe a single universal reporting record with Record ID number 1 where you were doing the summary totals.

      But your gauge chart is operating on the detail records.  The detail records probably have a field called  [Percent Consumed].

      Try using that field [Percent Consumed] in the Summarize What setting. 

  • Yes, I am doing the summary totals on a single universal reporting record.

    Yes, I do have a field called [Percent Consumed] at the child level (Projects table).  That field is a formula numeric-percentage field and the formula is

    POs Invoiced/Current Project Budget 

    When I use that field in the report, all of the percentages are wrong.  It's like it doesn't even look at the filters on the report.  Then when it applies the dynamic filter for Project Priority, those percentages are all way off too.  That's why I initially went with the idea of creating a formula for the report so I could specify what the percentage should be based on the priority choice.  And it worked, except for when the priority is null.