Forum Discussion

DeepaPrashant1's avatar
Qrew Cadet
12 days ago

Getting stuck on this form rule...

I have AND statements nested in an OR statement and it is not working.

I initially simply tried to say:

If "Asset Sub number" is anything other than 0 and "Should this asset share a tag with Master" = "Yes" then make "Send Tag to FA team" editable.


if "Contact (First Last Name)" is not blank AND "Tag will be mailed to this address" is not blank then make "Send Tag to FA team" editable.

This did not work and so I elaborated on the above as shown in the screenshot. That too does not work. As soon I type in a Contact (First Last) name, the "Send Tag to FA team" becomes editable.

You can see from the OTHERWISE statement that it did not read my logic correctly at all.

How do I fix this?



  • So the solution was to create a new formula field that removed any spaces from its answer as the empty spaces were being read by the rule as not being blank.

  • Appears this is a bug. I have a ticket open for this. If anyone has a workaround, let me know!

  • So the solution was to create a new formula field that removed any spaces from its answer as the empty spaces were being read by the rule as not being blank.