Forum Discussion

TapishBij's avatar
Qrew Member
2 years ago

Getting Time Stamp if value is changed

Hello, I am new on QB. I need to create a few fields related to timestamp. 

I have column called weight which is being filled in table. I need to create a column next to it which would record the date and time when the weight for that particular record was changed. I tried following in report formula, but it gives current time not just the time it was updated. 
If ([Weight] > 0, Now())
Please help. I have multiple columns where I need to do this. Thank you. 

Imran Bijapure
  • If all editing is done on forms, then you can have a Form Rule which says

    When the Record is Saved
    and [Weight] has been changed

    Change [Date Weight Changed] to the Current Date.

    However,  Dynamic Form Rules only work on forms when a single record is being edited by a User.  If there is the possibility that these records will be edited In Grid Edit or by some other automated means then you would have to have a Pipeline which would trigger when the record is modified or added (ie on New Event) and when the weight has been changed. But if you had 10 different fields to track you would need 10 different pipelines each with a different trigger.  

    Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
    • TapishBij's avatar
      Qrew Member

      Thanks, Mark. It sounds complicated. Are there any tutorials out there that may help me in this? The data is being entered by editing the grid.

      Tapish Bij
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend

        It's actually not very complicated but of course making your very first pipeline is a bit of a learning curve to get over. I suggest that you Google QuickBase University and look for training on Pipelines.  

        Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)