Forum Discussion

MichaelTamoush's avatar
Qrew Captain
4 years ago

Grid Edit Issues when report order changed, new reports?

I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this, before reporting it as a bug.

On the new reports, when I change the sort order (click on a heading to ascend/descend the column), and then go into grid edit, it does not keep the sort order. The old reports would keep the sort order.

Wondering if others have found this and if it is a bug or by design.

Mike Tamoush
  • I suggest that you report it as a bug.  They may say its current behaviour but then they will also tell us if it's a planned "enhancement".  On the old report, when you changed anything about the report like a sort or adding a column, the URL would change to reflect the change.  On the new report, it does not change so I think that they need to program something under the covers to remember the changes.

    This may also be tied into the planned fix to remember Dynamic Filter selections when come off a filtered report to view a record and and then using the BACK button or the native "Return" button.  It loses its memory of the filters.  Your example is similar, the awareness of where you are actually coming from when changes are made to a report.

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
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