Forum Discussion

MichelleCoslet's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
8 years ago

Has there been a change or an issue with Roles lately?

This morning I was told from our production staff that they no longer have permission to view the app I created for them. When they open the app, they are asked to request permission. The production staff is set to "participant" role. Everything worked find for 2 years until this morning. No setting have been changed, the settings currently look like they should have access. Has there been an update or is there a known issue with the Roles settings? Currently the only way I can get them to have access to the app is to give them administrative privileges - not ideal since there is confidential information about all employees within the app.
  • Check roles and permissions in the current system.
    If it looks fine then create support ticket to resolve the problem.

    You can create new roles and assign to the users followed by testing but it will involve understanding current permissions, roles etc. - Only advantage in this method is that you do not need to give admin permission to all the users.

    NealPatil @
    • MichelleCoslet's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain

      Thanks. I will need to create a support ticket. I did try to "recreate" the participant role to see if it made a difference, and I was still not able to get the access needed for production.