Forum Discussion

MarkComish's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
7 years ago

How can I create and relate a Parent Company and a Subsidiary Company

I have several companies in my "Companies" table that are Parent Companies.  I have several Subsidiary's of the Parent Companies listed as Companies as well.  How can I relate the Subsidiaries and the Parent Companies to each other?  I also have contacts that need to belong to both the Parent Company and the Subsidiary Company.  On the "Companies" table I want a place for if you select the Parent Company to select and relate its Subsidiary Company and visa versa.  Then I need a way for the contacts to be able to be related to either the Parent Company, the Subsidiary or both if needed.

Hope this makes sense.  I am very new to QuickBase and appreciate any advice.
  • Hi Mark,

    For scalability in the long term I would recommend planning to build that out so that you have three tables. One for Parent Companies, one for Subsidiaries, and one for Contacts. This way you can have Parent Companies that have Subsidiaries and then both Parent Companies and Subsidiary Company can be related to Contacts. This way you can have a nice flow from Parent Companies to Subsidiary and then from both those tables to Contacts. This keeps all of your data organized and flowing in a way that breaks down the two types of companies you have. Unless you have a use case where a company would be both a Parent and a Subsidiary?

    • MarkComish's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      So I would use my current "Companies" table for my Parent Companies.  I would create a "Subsidiary Companies" table and move the Subsidiary Companies to that table.  Then I would need to create a relationship between those two tables with "Companies" can have many "Subsidiary Companies."  I would also need to create a relationship where "Subsidiary Companies." can have many "Contacts" like I have for "Companies" can have many "Contacts" already.  Is that correct?  Is there anything else I left out?  On the "Companies" Table I can have a field to pull related "Subsidiary Companies" (Subsidiary) and on the "Subsidiary Companies" table I can have a field to pull related "Companies" (Parent) ?  For the existing contacts how can I have them be connected to a Parent Company and a Subsidiary?  Do I need a new field?
    • EvanMartinez's avatar
      Quickbase Staff
      Yes that is right, it requires you to go through and relate your Parent Companies and Subsidiary Companies but ideally long term it will be neater and help keep your data clear. Then once you relate Subsidiary Company and Contacts you have 2 choices. You can either create and relate Contacts to the specific Subsidiary Company via the Related Subsidiary Company. Also for any contacts that are related to the Parent you might also want to view you can create a field that is the Report link field in Subsidiary Company.

      A Report link displays records on a Form based on matching a field in one table to another, and once your data is filled in your Subsidiary Company and your Contacts table will have one very solid field in common, they will both have a Related Parent Company field with the same value. So you can set the report link to match Related Parent Company in Subsidiary Company to the Related Parent Company field from Contacts. This way you will have the report of the contacts specifically related to this Subsidiary Company and a list of the contacts that were related to the the Parent Company. It will allow you to more easily differentiate the two. It just takes a bit more work in the beginning to get all lined up. Then in the future you can either chose to add a contact who is just for one of your Parent Company's or a contact who is related to the Subsidiary Company. I have linked below a little video that shows what a set up like that might look like in an App
    • MarkComish's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      When I view the "Parent Company" on the Subsidiary table it is showing an ID# instead of the Name.  When I edit it shows the name, how do I make it show the name when viewing?  Sorry for asking things that should be simple._
  • MarkComish's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Wow I really appreciate all the info.  I think I will make a copy of my app and try to make all the changes and if I mess up I can use the copy too make sure I am back to where I started.  I will give it a shot and let you know how it goes.
    • MarkComish's avatar
      Qrew Assistant Captain
      One thing I didn't think about is "Opportunities" Table.  Sometimes an opportunity will be related the the Parent Company and sometimes the Subsidiary Company.  I guess if I copy the "Companies" Table and rename the copy to "Subsidiaries" table it would retain all the relationships created?  Then I can just edit the data based on which Table it is in?
    • AnnaKelley's avatar
      Qrew Member
      I would probably relate Opportunities to both Parent Company and Subsidiary company tables - meaning Opportunities would become a child table to both Parent and Subsidiary tables. Then, if I want to have a master record of all Parent company AND Subsidiary company opportunities, I'd pull through theOpportunities from the Subsidiary to the Parent company table with summary fields or embedded reports.

      I'm better at drawing out the relationship than typing it out but I'd describe it exactly as Evan depicted in his initial response to you, except replace Contacts with Opportunities. Hope that makes sense. 
    • EvanMartinez's avatar
      Quickbase Staff
      Hi Mark,

      I would agree with Anna that you could replicate this build to share Opportunities as well. This way a Parent company can have Opportunities and a Subsidiary could have their own opportunities. 
  • Not a problem at all Mark, I have built some similar use cases in my own apps before. Your end result will be a little rough but you can always stream line it and clean it up over time to better suit your needs. 
  • I had the same problem with jobs (parent/child jobs) as well as customers. 
    It's a little confusing at first, but I kept all customers in one table and created a relationship customer-customer. This allows for a company to be a parent or subsidiary. I hadn't looked into any of the implications of doing it this way, but maybe someone can come along and tell my why it's not a recommended option? :) 

    On jobs for example - our form has a 'related jobs tab' you can either assign the parent or view child jobs from the tab. 
    • EvanMartinez's avatar
      Quickbase Staff
      That is another way of doing it. From a technical standpoint creating a self referencing table causes some options to no longer be available such as copy master detail buttons. Self referencing tables disable this function and require an entire re-architecture in the future if that is something that becomes needed or requires a custom scripted button.

      From an experience standpoint, being in a Care role before this I've just seen a number of customers who caused themselves a great deal of heart ache trying to navigate a self referencing table when it comes to reporting and keeping the flow of their information clean and organized. Self-referencing tables are functional but I usually prefer to break things up into distinct tables to leverage that separation as a tool. Also long term it helps to keep the tables from individually growing too large as the data is naturally broken up.