Forum Discussion

JasonJohnson's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
7 years ago

How do I make a random color button?

We had a user request this thinking since there is no random command it could not be done. We tried a few methods but found a native method that works best and is really fun.

First create a rich text formula field that will generate the random color - [Randomish Button Color]
Note: We used Now() and built in fields to generate the Base 16 and at the bottom we have only listed 20 permutations of the over 700 available.

var text hh = Case(ToText(Mod(Hour(ToTimeOfDay(Now())), 16)),
"0", "0",
"1", "1",
"2", "2",
"3", "3",
"4", "4",
"5", "5",
"6", "6",
"7", "7",
"8", "8",
"9", "9",
"10", "a",
"11", "b",
"12", "c",
"13", "d",
"14", "e",
"15", "f",
var text mm = Case(ToText(Mod(Minute(ToTimeOfDay(Now())), 16)),
"0", "0",
"1", "1",
"2", "2",
"3", "3",
"4", "4",
"5", "5",
"6", "6",
"7", "7",
"8", "8",
"9", "9",
"10", "a",
"11", "b",
"12", "c",
"13", "d",
"14", "e",
"15", "f",
var text ss = Case(ToText(Mod(Second(ToTimeOfDay(Now())), 16)),
"0", "0",
"1", "1",
"2", "2",
"3", "3",
"4", "4",
"5", "5",
"6", "6",
"7", "7",
"8", "8",
"9", "9",
"10", "a",
"11", "b",
"12", "c",
"13", "d",
"14", "e",
"15", "f",
var text ms = Case(ToText(Mod(MSecond(ToTimeOfDay(Now())), 16)),
"0", "0",
"1", "1",
"2", "2",
"3", "3",
"4", "4",
"5", "5",
"6", "6",
"7", "7",
"8", "8",
"9", "9",
"10", "a",
"11", "b",
"12", "c",
"13", "d",
"14", "e",
"15", "f",
var text dd = Case(ToText(Mod(Day(ToDate([Date Modified])), 16)),
"0", "0",
"1", "1",
"2", "2",
"3", "3",
"4", "4",
"5", "5",
"6", "6",
"7", "7",
"8", "8",
"9", "9",
"10", "a",
"11", "b",
"12", "c",
"13", "d",
"14", "e",
"15", "f",
var text zc = Case(ToText(Mod(Day(ToDate([Date Created])),16)),
"0", "0",
"1", "1",
"2", "2",
"3", "3",
"4", "4",
"5", "5",
"6", "6",
"7", "7",
"8", "8",
"9", "9",
"10", "a",
"11", "b",
"12", "c",
"13", "d",
"14", "e",
"15", "f",
// Permutations

Case(Mod([Record ID#],20),
0, "#"&$mm&$dd&$hh&$ss&$ms&$zc,
1, "#"&$ms&$hh&$zc&$dd&$mm&$ss,
2, "#"&$ss&$mm&$ms&$dd&$hh&$zc,
3, "#"&$zc&$mm&$hh&$ss&$ms&$ms,
4, "#"&$zc&$mm&$ss&$hh&$dd&$ms,
5, "#"&$ss&$dd&$mm&$ms&$hh&$zc,
6, "#"&$hh&$zc&$mm&$ms&$dd&$ss,
7, "#"&$ss&$ms&$hh&$mm&$dd&$zc,
8, "#"&$hh&$ms&$ss&$mm&$zc&$dd,
9, "#"&$dd&$mm&$hh&$zc&$ss&$ms,
10, "#"&$dd&$ms&$mm&$ss&$zc&$hh,
11, "#"&$zc&$mm&$ss&$ms&$hh&$dd,
12, "#"&$mm&$hh&$ss&$dd&$ms&$zc,
13, "#"&$ms&$ss&$dd&$hh&$mm&$zc,
14, "#"&$mm&$hh&$ms&$dd&$ss&$zc,
15, "#"&$zc&$ss&$dd&$hh&$ms&$mm,
16, "#"&$zc&$hh&$ms&$dd&$mm&$ss,
17, "#"&$ss&$hh&$dd&$mm&$zc&$ms,
18, "#"&$mm&$hh&$dd&$ms&$zc&$ss,
19, "#"&$ss&$ms&$zc&$hh&$dd&$mm,

Then create a formula checkbox field that will determine if the text should be black or white. [Threshold] -

var number threshold = 105;

var text R = Right(Left([Randomish Button Color],3),2);
var text G = Right(Left([Randomish Button Color],5),2);
var text B = Right([Randomish Button Color],2);

var text RL = Case(Left($R,1),
"f", "15",
"e", "14",
"d", "13",
"c", "12",
"b", "11",
"a", "10",

var text RR = Case(Right($R,1),
"f", "15",
"e", "14",
"d", "13",
"c", "12",
"b", "11",
"a", "10",

var text GL = Case(Left($G,1),
"f", "15",
"e", "14",
"d", "13",
"c", "12",
"b", "11",
"a", "10",

var text GR = Case(Right($G,1),
"f", "15",
"e", "14",
"d", "13",
"c", "12",
"b", "11",
"a", "10",

var text BL = Case(Left($B,1),
"f", "15",
"e", "14",
"d", "13",
"c", "12",
"b", "11",
"a", "10",

var text BR = Case(Right($B,1),
"f", "15",
"e", "14",
"d", "13",
"c", "12",
"b", "11",
"a", "10",

var number Rvalue = (ToNumber($RL) * 16 + ToNumber($RR))*0.299;
var number Gvalue = (ToNumber($GL) * 16 + ToNumber($GR))*0.587;
var number Bvalue = (ToNumber($BL) * 16 + ToNumber($BR))*0.144;

If(255-($Rvalue+$Gvalue+$Bvalue)<$Threshold, true, false)

Now you have the 2 pieces and need to create the rich text formula button -

// Begin button style
var text bgcolor = [Randomish Button Color];
var text txtcolor = If([Threshold]=false,"white","black");
var text style = "style=\"text-decoration: none; box-shadow: 3px 3px 1px #888888; background:" & $bgcolor & "; border-radius: 3px; padding: 5px 8px; color: " & $txtcolor & "; display: inline-block;  font-weight: normal;font: bold 700 24px/1 \"Calibri\", sans-serif; text-align: center; text-shadow:none;";
// End button style

"<a " & $style & " href=\"javascript:" & "$.get('" & $URL & "', function(){" & "location.reload();" &
"});" & "void(0);\">Crazy Button Name</a>"

Note: $URL is the variable you can create to perform the button actions and the button is designed to return to any location that the button is used.
  • Thx

    On that theme, here was my formula for randomly colorizing the New Calendars.

    var number LastTwo = ToNumber(Right(ToText(Rem([Record ID#],20)),2));

    1, "e6194b", // red
    2, "3cb44b", // green    
    3, "ffe119", // yellow
    4, "0082c8", //blue
    5, "f58231", //Orange
    6, "911eb4", //purple    
    7, "46f0f0", // Cyan
    8, "f032e6", // maganta    
    9, "d2f53c", //lime    
    10, "fabebe", //pink    
    11, "008080", // teal    
    12, "e6beff", // lavender    
    13, "aa6e28", // brown    
    14, "fffac8", // beige
    15, "800000", // maroon
    16, "aaffc3", // mint
    17, "808000", //olive
    18, "ffd8b1", //coral
    19, "000080", // namy
    20, "808080") //grey
  • LOVE these, thanks to you both. Does anyone understand the basis of hex color assignment in order to randomly generate only light colors (so that dark text can be easily read over them)?
    • _anomDiebolt_'s avatar
      Qrew Elite
      You have to use a color model and (1) an online service or (2) JavaScript library to select a swatch of colors.

      Example Service: I Want Hue
      Colors for data scientists. Generate and refine palettes of optimally distinct colors.

      Example Library: Chroma.js
      JavaScript library for all kinds of color manipulations

      Here is the math:

      Colour Space Conversions
    • _anomDiebolt_'s avatar
      Qrew Elite
      If you use the HSL (Hue, Saturation & Lightness) Color Model you can sweep the Hue (ie color) by linearly adjusting one independent parameter (0 - 360). Likewise using HSL you can sweep Lightness (ie amount of white / black) or Saturation (ie amount of color) by adjusting one independent parameter (0 - 1). The HSL Color Model is the basis of how paints are mixed and is better than the RGB Color Model for controlling the human perception of color.

      There are two formulas you can use to generate HSL colors. The first is very long and mathematically complicated as it calculates the RGB from HSL coordinates:

      var Number H = Max(Min([Hue (0 - 360)], 360), 0);
      var Number S = Max(Min([Saturation (0 - 1)], 1), 0);
      var Number L = Max(Min([Lightness (0 - 1)], 1), 0);
      var Number C = (1 - Abs(2 * $L - 1)) * $S; //Chroma
      var Number X = $C * (1 - Abs(Mod($H / 60, 2) - 1));
      var Number m = $L - $C / 2;

      var Number Rp = If(
          0 <= $H and $H <  60, $C,
         60 <= $H and $H < 120, $X,
        120 <= $H and $H < 180,  0,
        180 <= $H and $H < 240,  0,
        240 <= $H and $H < 300, $X,
        300 <= $H and $H <= 360, $C
      var Number Gp = If(
          0 <= $H and $H <  60, $X,
         60 <= $H and $H < 120, $C,
        120 <= $H and $H < 180, $C,
        180 <= $H and $H < 240, $X,
        240 <= $H and $H < 300,  0,
        300 <= $H and $H <= 360,  0
      var Number Bp = If(
          0 <= $H and $H <  60,  0,
         60 <= $H and $H < 120,  0,
        120 <= $H and $H < 180, $X,
        180 <= $H and $H < 240, $C,
        240 <= $H and $H < 300, $C,
        300 <= $H and $H <= 360, $X
      var Number iR = Round(255 * ($Rp + $m));
      var Number iG = Round(255 * ($Gp + $m));
      var Number iB = Round(255 * ($Bp + $m));
      var Text RRx = Case(Int($iR/16), 
         0, "0",
         1, "1",
         2, "2",
         3, "3",
         4, "4",
         5, "5",
         6, "6",
         7, "7",
         8, "8",
         9, "9",
        10, "A",
        11, "B",
        12, "C",
        13, "D",
        14, "E",
        15, "F"
      var Text Rx = Case(Rem($iR, 16), 
         0, "0",
         1, "1",
         2, "2",
         3, "3",
         4, "4",
         5, "5",
         6, "6",
         7, "7",
         8, "8",
         9, "9",
        10, "A",
        11, "B",
        12, "C",
        13, "D",
        14, "E",
        15, "F"
      var Text GGx = Case(Int($iG/16), 
         0, "0",
         1, "1",
         2, "2",
         3, "3",
         4, "4",
         5, "5",
         6, "6",
         7, "7",
         8, "8",
         9, "9",
        10, "A",
        11, "B",
        12, "C",
        13, "D",
        14, "E",
        15, "F"
      var Text Gx = Case(Rem($iG, 16), 
         0, "0",
         1, "1",
         2, "2",
         3, "3",
         4, "4",
         5, "5",
         6, "6",
         7, "7",
         8, "8",
         9, "9",
        10, "A",
        11, "B",
        12, "C",
        13, "D",
        14, "E",
        15, "F"
      var Text BBx = Case(Int($iB/16), 
         0, "0",
         1, "1",
         2, "2",
         3, "3",
         4, "4",
         5, "5",
         6, "6",
         7, "7",
         8, "8",
         9, "9",
        10, "A",
        11, "B",
        12, "C",
        13, "D",
        14, "E",
        15, "F"
      var Text Bx = Case(Rem($iB, 16), 
         0, "0",
         1, "1",
         2, "2",
         3, "3",
         4, "4",
         5, "5",
         6, "6",
         7, "7",
         8, "8",
         9, "9",
        10, "A",
        11, "B",
        12, "C",
        13, "D",
        14, "E",
        15, "F"
      "<div style='background-color:#" & 
      $RRx & $Rx & $GGx & $Gx & $BBx & $Bx &
      ";'>" & 
      $RRx & $Rx & ":" & $GGx & $Gx & ":" & $BBx & $Bx &

      The second formula is short as it makes use of the CSS hsl() function:

      var Number H = Max(Min([Hue (0 - 360)], 360), 0);
      var Number S = 100 * Max(Min([Saturation (0 - 1)], 1), 0);
      var Number L = 100 * Max(Min([Lightness (0 - 1)], 1), 0);

      "<div style='background-color:hsl(" & 
      $H & "," & $S & "%," & $L & 
      "%);'>" & 
      "hsl(" & $H & ", " & $S & "%, " & $L & "%)" &

      Pastie Database
  • JasonJohnson's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Used a wrong term it is 20 combinations but put together the 720 combinations (see code below). We have 16.7 million permutations so all of the hex rainbow.

    Case(Mod([Record ID#],720),
    0, "#"&$mm&$dm&$hh&$ss&$ms&$dc,
    1, "#"&$mm&$dm&$hh&$ss&$dc&$ms,
    2, "#"&$mm&$dm&$hh&$ms&$ss&$dc,
    3, "#"&$mm&$dm&$hh&$ms&$dc&$ss,
    4, "#"&$mm&$dm&$hh&$dc&$ss&$ms,
    5, "#"&$mm&$dm&$hh&$dc&$ms&$ss,
    6, "#"&$mm&$dm&$ss&$hh&$dc&$ms,
    7, "#"&$mm&$dm&$ss&$hh&$ms&$dc,
    8, "#"&$mm&$dm&$ss&$ms&$dc&$hh,
    9, "#"&$mm&$dm&$ss&$ms&$hh&$dc,
    10, "#"&$mm&$dm&$ss&$dc&$ms&$hh,
    11, "#"&$mm&$dm&$ss&$dc&$hh&$ms,
    12, "#"&$mm&$dm&$ms&$hh&$ss&$dc,
    13, "#"&$mm&$dm&$ms&$hh&$dc&$ss,
    14, "#"&$mm&$dm&$ms&$ss&$hh&$dc,
    15, "#"&$mm&$dm&$ms&$ss&$dc&$hh,
    16, "#"&$mm&$dm&$ms&$dc&$hh&$ss,
    17, "#"&$mm&$dm&$ms&$dc&$ss&$hh,
    18, "#"&$mm&$dm&$dc&$hh&$ms&$ss,
    19, "#"&$mm&$dm&$dc&$hh&$ss&$ms,
    20, "#"&$mm&$dm&$dc&$ss&$ms&$hh,
    21, "#"&$mm&$dm&$dc&$ss&$hh&$ms,
    22, "#"&$mm&$dm&$dc&$ms&$ss&$hh,
    23, "#"&$mm&$dm&$dc&$ms&$hh&$ss,
    24, "#"&$mm&$hh&$dm&$dc&$ss&$ms,
    25, "#"&$mm&$hh&$dm&$dc&$ms&$ss,
    26, "#"&$mm&$hh&$dm&$ss&$dc&$ms,
    27, "#"&$mm&$hh&$dm&$ss&$ms&$dc,
    28, "#"&$mm&$hh&$dm&$ms&$dc&$ss,
    29, "#"&$mm&$hh&$dm&$ms&$ss&$dc,
    30, "#"&$mm&$hh&$ss&$dc&$ms&$dm,
    31, "#"&$mm&$hh&$ss&$dc&$dm&$ms,
    32, "#"&$mm&$hh&$ss&$dm&$ms&$dc,
    33, "#"&$mm&$hh&$ss&$dm&$dc&$ms,
    34, "#"&$mm&$hh&$ss&$ms&$dm&$dc,
    35, "#"&$mm&$hh&$ss&$ms&$dc&$dm,
    36, "#"&$mm&$hh&$ms&$dc&$dm&$ss,
    37, "#"&$mm&$hh&$ms&$dc&$ss&$dm,
    38, "#"&$mm&$hh&$ms&$dm&$dc&$ss,
    39, "#"&$mm&$hh&$ms&$dm&$ss&$dc,
    40, "#"&$mm&$hh&$ms&$ss&$dc&$dm,
    41, "#"&$mm&$hh&$ms&$ss&$dm&$dc,
    42, "#"&$mm&$hh&$dc&$ms&$ss&$dm,
    43, "#"&$mm&$hh&$dc&$ms&$dm&$ss,
    44, "#"&$mm&$hh&$dc&$dm&$ss&$ms,
    45, "#"&$mm&$hh&$dc&$dm&$ms&$ss,
    46, "#"&$mm&$hh&$dc&$ss&$dm&$ms,
    47, "#"&$mm&$hh&$dc&$ss&$ms&$dm,
    48, "#"&$mm&$ss&$dm&$ms&$dc&$hh,
    49, "#"&$mm&$ss&$dm&$ms&$hh&$dc,
    50, "#"&$mm&$ss&$dm&$dc&$ms&$hh,
    51, "#"&$mm&$ss&$dm&$dc&$hh&$ms,
    52, "#"&$mm&$ss&$dm&$hh&$ms&$dc,
    53, "#"&$mm&$ss&$dm&$hh&$dc&$ms,
    54, "#"&$mm&$ss&$hh&$ms&$dm&$dc,
    55, "#"&$mm&$ss&$hh&$ms&$dc&$dm,
    56, "#"&$mm&$ss&$hh&$dc&$dm&$ms,
    57, "#"&$mm&$ss&$hh&$dc&$ms&$dm,
    58, "#"&$mm&$ss&$hh&$dm&$dc&$ms,
    59, "#"&$mm&$ss&$hh&$dm&$ms&$dc,
    60, "#"&$mm&$ss&$ms&$hh&$dc&$dm,
    61, "#"&$mm&$ss&$ms&$hh&$dm&$dc,
    62, "#"&$mm&$ss&$ms&$dc&$hh&$dm,
    63, "#"&$mm&$ss&$ms&$dc&$dm&$hh,
    64, "#"&$mm&$ss&$ms&$dm&$hh&$dc,
    65, "#"&$mm&$ss&$ms&$dm&$dc&$hh,
    66, "#"&$mm&$ss&$dc&$hh&$dm&$ms,
    67, "#"&$mm&$ss&$dc&$hh&$ms&$dm,
    68, "#"&$mm&$ss&$dc&$ms&$dm&$hh,
    69, "#"&$mm&$ss&$dc&$ms&$hh&$dm,
    70, "#"&$mm&$ss&$dc&$dm&$ms&$hh,
    71, "#"&$mm&$ss&$dc&$dm&$hh&$ms,
    72, "#"&$mm&$ms&$dm&$hh&$ss&$dc,
    73, "#"&$mm&$ms&$dm&$hh&$dc&$ss,
    74, "#"&$mm&$ms&$dm&$ss&$hh&$dc,
    75, "#"&$mm&$ms&$dm&$ss&$dc&$hh,
    76, "#"&$mm&$ms&$dm&$dc&$hh&$ss,
    77, "#"&$mm&$ms&$dm&$dc&$ss&$hh,
    78, "#"&$mm&$ms&$hh&$dm&$dc&$ss,
    79, "#"&$mm&$ms&$hh&$dm&$ss&$dc,
    80, "#"&$mm&$ms&$hh&$ss&$dc&$dm,
    81, "#"&$mm&$ms&$hh&$ss&$dm&$dc,
    82, "#"&$mm&$ms&$hh&$dc&$ss&$dm,
    83, "#"&$mm&$ms&$hh&$dc&$dm&$ss,
    84, "#"&$mm&$ms&$ss&$dm&$hh&$dc,
    85, "#"&$mm&$ms&$ss&$dm&$dc&$hh,
    86, "#"&$mm&$ms&$ss&$hh&$dm&$dc,
    87, "#"&$mm&$ms&$ss&$hh&$dc&$dm,
    88, "#"&$mm&$ms&$ss&$dc&$dm&$hh,
    89, "#"&$mm&$ms&$ss&$dc&$hh&$dm,
    90, "#"&$mm&$ms&$dc&$dm&$ss&$hh,
    91, "#"&$mm&$ms&$dc&$dm&$hh&$ss,
    92, "#"&$mm&$ms&$dc&$hh&$ss&$dm,
    93, "#"&$mm&$ms&$dc&$hh&$dm&$ss,
    94, "#"&$mm&$ms&$dc&$ss&$hh&$dm,
    95, "#"&$mm&$ms&$dc&$ss&$dm&$hh,
    96, "#"&$mm&$dc&$dm&$ms&$hh&$ss,
    97, "#"&$mm&$dc&$dm&$ms&$ss&$hh,
    98, "#"&$mm&$dc&$dm&$hh&$ms&$ss,
    99, "#"&$mm&$dc&$dm&$hh&$ss&$ms,
    100, "#"&$mm&$dc&$dm&$ss&$ms&$hh,
    101, "#"&$mm&$dc&$dm&$ss&$hh&$ms,
    102, "#"&$mm&$dc&$hh&$ms&$ss&$dm,
    103, "#"&$mm&$dc&$hh&$ms&$dm&$ss,
    104, "#"&$mm&$dc&$hh&$dm&$ss&$ms,
    105, "#"&$mm&$dc&$hh&$dm&$ms&$ss,
    106, "#"&$mm&$dc&$hh&$ss&$dm&$ms,
    107, "#"&$mm&$dc&$hh&$ss&$ms&$dm,
    108, "#"&$mm&$dc&$ss&$ms&$dm&$hh,
    109, "#"&$mm&$dc&$ss&$ms&$hh&$dm,
    110, "#"&$mm&$dc&$ss&$dm&$ms&$hh,
    111, "#"&$mm&$dc&$ss&$dm&$hh&$ms,
    112, "#"&$mm&$dc&$ss&$hh&$ms&$dm,
    113, "#"&$mm&$dc&$ss&$hh&$dm&$ms,
    114, "#"&$mm&$dc&$ms&$ss&$hh&$dm,
    115, "#"&$mm&$dc&$ms&$ss&$dm&$hh,
    116, "#"&$mm&$dc&$ms&$dm&$hh&$ss,
    117, "#"&$mm&$dc&$ms&$dm&$ss&$hh,
    118, "#"&$mm&$dc&$ms&$hh&$dm&$ss,
    119, "#"&$mm&$dc&$ms&$hh&$ss&$dm,
    120, "#"&$dm&$mm&$dc&$ss&$ms&$hh,
    121, "#"&$dm&$mm&$dc&$ss&$hh&$ms,
    122, "#"&$dm&$mm&$dc&$ms&$ss&$hh,
    123, "#"&$dm&$mm&$dc&$ms&$hh&$ss,
    124, "#"&$dm&$mm&$dc&$hh&$ss&$ms,
    125, "#"&$dm&$mm&$dc&$hh&$ms&$ss,
    126, "#"&$dm&$mm&$hh&$ss&$dc&$ms,
    127, "#"&$dm&$mm&$hh&$ss&$ms&$dc,
    128, "#"&$dm&$mm&$hh&$ms&$dc&$ss,
    129, "#"&$dm&$mm&$hh&$ms&$ss&$dc,
    130, "#"&$dm&$mm&$hh&$dc&$ms&$ss,
    131, "#"&$dm&$mm&$hh&$dc&$ss&$ms,
    132, "#"&$dm&$mm&$ss&$hh&$ms&$dc,
    133, "#"&$dm&$mm&$ss&$hh&$dc&$ms,
    134, "#"&$dm&$mm&$ss&$ms&$hh&$dc,
    135, "#"&$dm&$mm&$ss&$ms&$dc&$hh,
    136, "#"&$dm&$mm&$ss&$dc&$hh&$ms,
    137, "#"&$dm&$mm&$ss&$dc&$ms&$hh,
    138, "#"&$dm&$mm&$ms&$hh&$dc&$ss,
    139, "#"&$dm&$mm&$ms&$hh&$ss&$dc,
    140, "#"&$dm&$mm&$ms&$ss&$dc&$hh,
    141, "#"&$dm&$mm&$ms&$ss&$hh&$dc,
    142, "#"&$dm&$mm&$ms&$dc&$ss&$hh,
    143, "#"&$dm&$mm&$ms&$dc&$hh&$ss,
    144, "#"&$dm&$hh&$dc&$mm&$ss&$ms,
    145, "#"&$dm&$hh&$dc&$mm&$ms&$ss,
    146, "#"&$dm&$hh&$dc&$ss&$mm&$ms,
    147, "#"&$dm&$hh&$dc&$ss&$ms&$mm,
    148, "#"&$dm&$hh&$dc&$ms&$mm&$ss,
    149, "#"&$dm&$hh&$dc&$ms&$ss&$mm,
    150, "#"&$dm&$hh&$mm&$dc&$ms&$ss,
    151, "#"&$dm&$hh&$mm&$dc&$ss&$ms,
    152, "#"&$dm&$hh&$mm&$ss&$ms&$dc,
    153, "#"&$dm&$hh&$mm&$ss&$dc&$ms,
    154, "#"&$dm&$hh&$mm&$ms&$ss&$dc,
    155, "#"&$dm&$hh&$mm&$ms&$dc&$ss,
    156, "#"&$dm&$hh&$ss&$dc&$mm&$ms,
    157, "#"&$dm&$hh&$ss&$dc&$ms&$mm,
    158, "#"&$dm&$hh&$ss&$mm&$dc&$ms,
    159, "#"&$dm&$hh&$ss&$mm&$ms&$dc,
    160, "#"&$dm&$hh&$ss&$ms&$dc&$mm,
    161, "#"&$dm&$hh&$ss&$ms&$mm&$dc,
    162, "#"&$dm&$hh&$ms&$dc&$ss&$mm,
    163, "#"&$dm&$hh&$ms&$dc&$mm&$ss,
    164, "#"&$dm&$hh&$ms&$mm&$ss&$dc,
    165, "#"&$dm&$hh&$ms&$mm&$dc&$ss,
    166, "#"&$dm&$hh&$ms&$ss&$mm&$dc,
    167, "#"&$dm&$hh&$ms&$ss&$dc&$mm,
    168, "#"&$dm&$ss&$dc&$ms&$mm&$hh,
    169, "#"&$dm&$ss&$dc&$ms&$hh&$mm,
    170, "#"&$dm&$ss&$dc&$mm&$ms&$hh,
    171, "#"&$dm&$ss&$dc&$mm&$hh&$ms,
    172, "#"&$dm&$ss&$dc&$hh&$ms&$mm,
    173, "#"&$dm&$ss&$dc&$hh&$mm&$ms,
    174, "#"&$dm&$ss&$mm&$ms&$hh&$dc,
    175, "#"&$dm&$ss&$mm&$ms&$dc&$hh,
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    177, "#"&$dm&$ss&$mm&$dc&$ms&$hh,
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    179, "#"&$dm&$ss&$mm&$hh&$ms&$dc,
    180, "#"&$dm&$ss&$hh&$ms&$dc&$mm,
    181, "#"&$dm&$ss&$hh&$ms&$mm&$dc,
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    183, "#"&$dm&$ss&$hh&$dc&$mm&$ms,
    184, "#"&$dm&$ss&$hh&$mm&$ms&$dc,
    185, "#"&$dm&$ss&$hh&$mm&$dc&$ms,
    186, "#"&$dm&$ss&$ms&$hh&$mm&$dc,
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    188, "#"&$dm&$ss&$ms&$dc&$mm&$hh,
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    192, "#"&$dm&$ms&$dc&$hh&$ss&$mm,
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    200, "#"&$dm&$ms&$mm&$ss&$dc&$hh,
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    204, "#"&$dm&$ms&$hh&$mm&$ss&$dc,
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    240, "#"&$hh&$mm&$ms&$ss&$dc&$dm,
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    244, "#"&$hh&$mm&$ms&$dm&$ss&$dc,
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    313, "#"&$hh&$ms&$ss&$dm&$mm&$dc,
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