Forum Discussion

DawnDawn's avatar
Qrew Trainee
9 years ago

How to have my custom Add Button Url on my dashboard return to the dashboard after it is saved?

I have a custom Add Record url button on my dashboard that prepopulates a field and goes to a particular form. Right now on Save, the url redirects it to a report in my table. I want it instead to go back to my dashboard. What do I need to adjust in my formula below to make it go back to the dashboard after Save rather than to the report if my pageid=78: 

I tried changing the qid%3D19 to pageid%3D78, but that didn't work.

Direction appreciated! 


  • As usual, Mark, you ROCK! Thank you so much! It amazing the things I can learn from you! Works like a charm...
  • >Make a URL formula field like this in order to do the URLEncoding for the last part of the URL

    You don't need to create an extra field to find the URL Encoded value of a URL. Rather just do this: (1) Press F12 to expose the browser's Development Tools, (2) click on the Console and (3) enter this line of JavaScript:


    // output: "https%3A//"

    To URL Decode use unescape:


    // output: ""
  • Wow, that worked easily in Chrome.  unescape is also handy too as there is no Un-URLEncode function in QuickBase
  • We will incrementally get you to accept JavaScript, jQuery, and eventually Category Theory.

    In the meantime just repeat this to yourself endlessly:

    jQuery is a Monad and a Monad is just a Monoid in the Category of Endofunctors, what's the problem?
  • Apparently, something has changed in QB where adding a full URL after &nexturl= doesn't work. So now, if you add the dbid after &nexturl=, the link will work.
  • I agree.  This just broke today in my apps.  When I get a chance I will put in a bug ticket to ask if they consider this new behaviour a bug.
    • AlecAlec's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Can you post an update here when you hear back?
    • QuickBaseCoachD's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      I have out in this ticket

      &NextURL was broken this weekendWe used to be able to have a URL formula like this

      var text URL = URLRoot() &"db/" & Dbid() & "?a=er&rid=" & ToText([Record ID#])
      & "&nexturl=" & URLEncode("");

      But now after the weekend update we need to do this

      var text URL = URLRoot() &"db/" & Dbid() & "?a=er&rid=" & ToText([Record ID#])
      & "&nexturl=" & URLEncode("xxxxxxy");

      ie, the weekend update broke all our &NextURL formuals

      Is this considered a bug and will be urgently fixed? Or do we have to fix all our &NextURL formulas
    • QuickBaseCoachD's avatar
      Qrew Captain
      Here is the response from Support

      Thank you for contacting the QuickBase Care Team! This is a known issue. Our engineers are actively working on a fix for this as we speak. I'll notify you as soon as possible once have a resolution.

      James Travaglini
      QuickBase Support

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