How to make a summary report from multiple tables?
I have four tables. A Project table, a Task table, an Assembly table and an Item table.
Each record in the Project table has many related tasks.
Each record in the Task table has a numeric field dictating the number of assemblies needed for the task. It also has a dropdown to choose an assembly from the Assembly table.
Each record in the Assembly table has a list of many related items from the Item table.
Each record in the Item table has a field dictating the number of items needed to make the assembly it is related to and the Item description.
I want to make a report that summarizes the total number of each unique item descriptions needed to complete the project.
So: For each task, total the # items individually per assembly multiplied by the # of those assemblies needed for the task. Then combining the totals for items of the same description across all of the tasks of the project. Is there a way to do this either within native quickbase or using external tools? If external tools are required do you have any recommendations of what to use?