Forum Discussion

Qrew Member
7 months ago

How to setup Approvals within Quick Base

What is the best way to capture approvals in Quick Base?

  • Depends on the complexity of your approval flow. If it's fairly simple you can do it with form rules primarily - where you have your 'approval' fields on whatever form you're working with and only certain assigned users can access it or sign off and then you log the person that did it and the timestamp it occurred. 

    If you have a more complex workflow I prefer to do it more like a template based approach where each approval is it's own record in an 'Approvals' table. This could be based on a master table of approvals that you reference when someone submits, or you can just blanket create the same approvers each time. In either case - each record is it's own approval assigned to someone. 

    I typically prefer the latter route - it gives you a lot more flexibility downstream when/if the process gets more complicated, but if you just need a simple solution and the people aren't dynamic or overly complex then the simple/field based approvals will work. 

    Chayce Duncan
    • CINDYKRAUSCH's avatar
      Qrew Member

      I need help setting up it's own approval via email if possible.


      Best Regards!

      Cindy Krausch

      Workforce Operations & Automation - Access, Roles and Config (ARC)

      ARC QuickBase  Administrator and Data Analytics Developer


      125 Corporate Office Dr, Earth City, MO 63045
      (636) 667-9681 (cell)



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      • ChayceDuncan's avatar
        Qrew Captain

        Can you elaborate a little more? Are you trying to have someone 'respond' to an email and have that serve as their Approval? Or do you intend to send out an email with verbiage like 'Click Here to Approve' and it takes them to a record in Quickbase to view and sign off on the information? 

        Chayce Duncan