Forum Discussion
4 years agoQrew Captain
If you just need to upload an XLSX or CSV file, you can certainly do that. In your table ribbon at the top, select the Table you wish to import to. Then, on the right side of the Table dashboard, select the 'More' / 3 Dots option
Then select the 'Import/Export' option and follow the prompts to import a file. The old-style dashboards had a link for Import/Export, but this isn't available yet in the new Dashboards. Hopefully, this will be available soon.
If you're looking to do something a bit more automated, you can build a 'Sync' Table that would automatically upload new records from a cloud-based CSV file.
Blake Harrison
DataBlender - Quickbase Solution Provider
Atlanta GA
404.800.1702 /
Then select the 'Import/Export' option and follow the prompts to import a file. The old-style dashboards had a link for Import/Export, but this isn't available yet in the new Dashboards. Hopefully, this will be available soon.
If you're looking to do something a bit more automated, you can build a 'Sync' Table that would automatically upload new records from a cloud-based CSV file.
Blake Harrison
DataBlender - Quickbase Solution Provider
Atlanta GA
404.800.1702 /
- BobThomas14 years agoQrew CadetBlake, I would like to know how to build a 'Sync' table. Right now I have a Google Drive folder that I have been able to view a spreadsheet. But I haven't figured how to add it to my App.
I'm really trying to push all the buttons and boxes on charts, tables & reports, so I can use many of them in my projects. So it's a long learning process.
Thank you.
Bob T.
------------------------------- BlakeHarrison4 years agoQrew CaptainIt sounds like you're pretty new to Quickbase, so a few things to think about before you go any further:
- What do you want Quickbase to be - it sounds like you're simply using it to generate reports on data that you're gathering in spreadsheets.
- You said that you'd compiled the data in the spreadsheets from two different data sources - is that necessary? Can you get that data directly from the source by using Pipelines?
- If you're using Quickbase just for reporting, you're missing out on the bulk of the functionality that's available to you.
Blake Harrison
DataBlender - Quickbase Solution Provider
Atlanta GA
404.800.1702 /
------------------------------- BobThomas14 years agoQrew CadetBlake,
Actually as you can see the data comes from the Center for Disease
Control (Total & vaccinated, but the data is available to go further,
possibly drill-down, which is how I learn, I have the data in the CDC
file. The data for Covid-19 positive cases comes from Git through the
New York Times. I get for the same date, (ex. 23 July 2021). I merge the
two files, tried in QB, but had problems, so it's clean in Excel, using
a common field in both. The CDC uses FIODS (ie our St. Clair County ~
26147) and the New York Times Git Repository, which I also have
bookmarked use GEIODS (ie USA-26147). So I concatenated adding 'USA-'.
There are also additional fields I brought over, though I think QB woud
like less, which I can do. But I want the fields for age groups,
hospital admissions, deaths (unfortunately too) to be able to be
graphed. I want to look at all the graph options you have, but started
with just a bar graph & then used the line-bar graph, which is great for
comparing to fields. They merge great in my application.
Yes, it would be nice to update the data from both feeds. Pipelines
would be ideal, but isn't there a 'Meter' on these. I would like to
avoid extra costs or having the meter going if there is a way to do free.
1.) I see that I can ONLY import one file (ex. Excel) when I first start
an app, and directly from my computer. I may want to do this from a
website later, directly or API...
2.) I tried the connect data by connecting a Google Drive account and
uploaded a file there, an Excel file, though I wonder why there isn't an
option to just do that from my computer. I first have to upload the
*.xlxs file to my Google Drive & then go through & connect on QB to
Google Drive.
So I don't know where to put the .csv file, the one I used is just an
example and not used in this project.
This project is an experiment to learn, and I am not against using all
the features of QB, I just want to learn how to use the options, one at
a time. The reports is very important, as the data I have can correlate
a lot of statistics and can be made to compare different dates, trends,
but that is more complex.
The other features such as employees, tasks, etc. I'm sure will come
into play, but at the present time, this is a learning experience and I
want to concentrate on reports now, which is what I did and was good at
for many years as a computer developer.