Forum Discussion
Thanks Renee, Chayce and Brian,
These are great suggestions and what I am now understanding is that the Record ID must contain not only unique numbers but also in increment sequence.
My issue is that I do have deleted records in that table which were "burned" otherwise I would attempt the blank import. I am really hoping to avoid changing the key field as it has caused issues for me doing so in the past.
Does anyone have a quick way to repopulate the missing records? Seems like a logistical nightmare...
Joshua Kaye
You can still do the blank import you'll just have to 'burn' the records from the new table. In practice once you backload the data from your old table there should be at least some data that you can easily run a report of records that don't have anything in them and just delete them back out so your tables match exactly.
Since they are deleted from your old table they are now gone for good
Chayce Duncan
- BrianSeymour2 years agoQrew Cadet
It sounds like the issue may be that Joshua has already deleted records in the new table, so IDs are already burned and "not recoverable." Thus, those IDs could not correlate to old table IDs.
For example, in the old table, pretend you have IDs 1 to 1000. And in the new table you deleted 10 test records while you were building/test it (so the next ID internally will be at 11). The question becomes how do you import IDs 1 to 10 from the old table?
You could potentially duplicate the new table to reset the IDs, but that may impact relationships and formulas depending on the complexity of the design at hand.
Or perhaps you could temporarily switch to new a key, but then revert back to the default key to see if that resets the counter (I've never tried that) … but, that's doubtful, as I imagine under the hood QB needs those values to remain for things like their backup processes.
Or perhaps you could open a Support Ticket to see if the QB team could reset your new table's internal record id counter back to 1?
Brian Seymour
------------------------------- ChayceDuncan2 years agoQrew Captain
Are you able to just scrap the current table and just make new one based on some of the feedback above and have a fresh start?
Chayce Duncan
------------------------------- JoshuaKaye2 years agoQrew Trainee
Thankfully the new table has zero records. Will report back!
Joshua Kaye