Forum Discussion

JoshWeeman's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
7 years ago

iOS login frequency, and forcing interface to remain in Mobile mode?

I have created a very small app that will only be used on iPhones (currently mobile Safari).  The mobile interface is working well for this, but I have two annoyances...

1) Even after checking the 'keep me signed in' box at login, I am being forced to re-login far too many cases within an hour.

2) Every few times I login, the interface spontaneously switches back to 'full site' mode, and I have to once again click the 'mobile' button in the toolbar.

Does anyone know why either of these things are happening, and if there are remedies?

Thanks in advance.

  • JoshWeeman's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Yes, default view is set to Mobile...however, when going to double check I just noticed it says "(does not apply to admin users)" right beside that drop-down.  That does me no good I guess, as I'm always going to be an admin. Is there a different way to enforce this for admins?

    As far as the need to constantly re-login, any insight there?  Being forced to login at least once an hour on Mobile Safari.  Incredibly annoying.  FWIW - This seems to happen less on Chrome for iOS. 

  • I think you need to go to Support in these issues.

    My only other thought is that there is a timeout setting at the Realm level for some plan levels.
  • JoshWeeman's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Thanks for the feedback.  I'll submit a support ticket and report back if I learn anything helpful.
  • Josh, I have the same login issue on mobile logging out constantly. Try clicking "View full site" on the mobile login page, login on the Full site view.
  • JoshWeeman's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Have been communicating with QB support on this.  Turns out there is a bug report on file (QBE012007) for the constant forced re-login issue on mobile.  No ETA on the fix, but I'm glad it's being addressed.

    As far as my app not obeying the setting of Mobile as default view, this was fixed by me clearing the cache for Mobile Safari on my iOS device.   I am now getting the mobile view 100% of the time after logging in on iOS, even as an administrator.